And with that, the holidays have ended. We hope everyone had an amazing New Years as well! We got some pretty impressive and creative entries to this year’s Holiday Contest. We will contact the winners listed here about their prize. Here are the winners!
Grand Prize Winner
The Addams Family
A super creative recreation of the opening scene to the Addam’s Family movie! They even replaced the text with names of their characters from their private server, Hyboria. If the video does not play for you, you can watch it here.
Original Scene:
9 Runner Ups
Christmas Cottage
cottage1853×1280 357 KBcottage21280×720 229 KB
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
[Album] National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
South Park
SouthPark1280×720 1.07 MB
Morozko (also known as Mrazik)
Mrazik982×553 260 KBMrazik3982×553 80 KB
Mrazik2982×553 1010 KB

Original Scene:
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Carol (2009)
Scrooge1280×715 325 KBScrooge21280×1032 546 KB
Polar Express
polarexpress1280×720 89.8 KBpolarexpress21280×720 201 KB
Polar Express
polar3676×1000 114 KBpolar11280×720 448 KB

Bad Santa
badsanta1280×719 967 KB
badsanta21280×720 258 KB
If you don’t see yours up there, feel free to reply to this thread with your screenshots! If you do see yours, feel free to speak up and let everyone know. Everyone did an amazing job. Thanks for participating!