over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I’m having this message myself, had it for a while, did not impact my ability to connect to the server, but just to be safe I’ve asked about what it means.
Stay tuned.

This is covered by this section in the documentation.

No they are not “wants by myself”, they are things that helped me diagnose issues encountered by other people.

I was not ignoring you, which is why in 1.2.5 (18 september 2020) I added a tab showing the content of the server log section about loaded mods.

This is not quite what you wanted, but that at least solved your question of “which number matches which mod”, since the number is part of the filename path, and with CTRL-A + CTRL-C it’s easy to copy the content of a tab to have it in another text editor.

Something “as simple as CTRL+F” is not simple at all, the simple way was to:

  • CTRL+A + CTRL+C the content of the Mod List field
  • CTRL+C to a real text editor
  • Edit things
  • Copy paste back to the Mod List
    definitely not ideal, but you don’t have to do the edition in the tiny mod box

The reason I’m not evolving this thing is because that would be a waste of time, since the plan is to promote the mod system to a real list with reordering, display of update time and dates, status, enable and disable easily, etc… no point fixing the edit field, that would take hours better used for other things.

This is called iterative development.

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Question for you people: 1.1.2 is still the official version, but it has some known issues (like the crash when loading older ini files that was fixed in 1.2.3).

For Siptah I pushed many 1.2.x betas, and yesterday version 1.3.0 with support for the map selector.

So the question is: Which version do you think I should push to Official status, has anyone encountered issues with 1.3.0? With 1.2.5?

Asking for a friend :slight_smile: