about 4 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey Exiles,

Please use this thread to send any feedback regarding our progression balancing and PVP changes announcement.

Original announcement:

Update (11.09.2020)
Updated information on PVP granularity and changes coming to official PVP servers. See this response.


When will these changes come into effect?

On PC, these changes will be available once The Isle of Siptah content expansion and the free update release, on September 15th.
On consoles, these changes will be available once The Isle of Siptah content expansion releases.

Will these changes affect only The Isle of Siptah map?

No, these changes will come as part of the free update and will also apply to vanilla servers.

If I don't own The Isle of Siptah, will these changes affect me?

Yes, these changes are an update to the game and server.

Will these settings affect all platforms?

For now, these settings will only be active for the PC platform as they come bundled in the Isle of Siptah update. They will come at a later date on consoles once this update launches on consoles.

I am a server owner, will the balance changes affect me and my server?

By default, yes. We’re introducing balance changes in the game that will alter your server’s progression (although not their values). You will need to readjust your server’s XP and resource gathering settings taking into account that after The Isle of Siptah, a value of 1 in each.

What are the setting names in ServerSettings.ini?

These are the new settings added to the ServerSettings.ini file:

PvPEnabled = true/false
Time-RestrictPvP = true/false
PVPEnabledMonday = true/false
PVPEnabledTuesday = true/false
PVPEnabledWednesday = true/false
PVPEnabledThursday = true/false
PVPEnabledFriday = true/false
PVPEnabledSaturday = true/false
PVPEnabledSunday = true/false
PVPTimeMondayStart = 1800
PVPTimeTuesdayStart = 1800
PVPTimeWednesdayStart = 1800
PVPTimeThursdayStart = 1800
PVPTimeFridayStart = 1800
PVPTimeSaturdayStart = 1800
PVPTimeSundayStart = 2300
PVPTimeMondayStop = 2300
PVPTimeTuesdayStop = 2300
PVPTimeWednesdayStop = 2300
PVPTimeThursdayStop = 2300
PVPTimeFridayStop = 2300
PVPTimeSaturdayStop = 2300
PVPTimeSundayStop = 2300
Time-RestrictPvPBuildingDamage = true/false
PVPBuildingDamageEnabledMonday = true/false
PVPBuildingDamageEnabledTuesday = true/false
PVPBuildingDamageEnabledWednesday = true/false
PVPBuildingDamageEnabledThursday = true/false
PVPBuildingDamageEnabledFriday = true/false
PVPBuildingDamageEnabledSaturday = true/false
PVPBuildingDamageEnabledSunday = true/false
PVPBuildingDamageTimeMondayStart = 1800
PVPBuildingDamageTimeTuesdayStart = 1800
PVPBuildingDamageTimeWednesdayStart = 1800
PVPBuildingDamageTimeThursdayStart = 1800
PVPBuildingDamageTimeFridayStart = 1800
PVPBuildingDamageTimeSaturdayStart = 1800
PVPBuildingDamageTimeMondayStop = 2300
PVPBuildingDamageTimeTuesdayStop = 2300
PVPBuildingDamageTimeWednesdayStop = 2300
PVPBuildingDamageTimeThursdayStop = 2300
PVPBuildingDamageTimeFridayStop = 2300
PVPBuildingDamageTimeSaturdayStop = 2300
PVPBuildingDamageTimeSundayStop = 2300
CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures = true/false
CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructuresPeriod = 120

How will this affect official servers?

PVE and PVE-C Official server progression will be rebalanced to roughly double speed than prior to the update.
PVP Official progression will be rebalanced to roughly half speed than prior to the update.
PVE and PVE-C Official server settings for player versus player combat and raiding will see no changes.
PVP Official server settings for player versus player combat and raiding will see the following changes: *
We are currently planning to have both features enabled, with the scheduled building damage being set for Friday and Saturday during peak server time and Dynamic Building Damage being always enabled with 30 minuets logout window. This will mean that players will be able to damage buildings during the scheduled building damage windows OR if any building owner is online and for 30 minuets after they logoff, subject to feedback.

about 4 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey everybody,

We just updated the information on the upcoming changes with a newer version. We unfortunately released some outdated information on how some of the PVP changes and how they will affect official PVP servers.

For visibility, we will post here the changed paragraphs that dramatically change some of the information initially relayed:

Base Raiding

We have added more granularity to the existing PvP server settings, this will allow server owners to more precisely configure what times and days PvP will be possible.

We have also added a new system called Dynamic Building Damage, which if enabled (server setting) allows player to damaged buildings while any of the owners (individual or clan) are online (even outside the scheduled raid times) and for a duration (server settings) after the last owner has logged off.

For official PVP servers we are currently planning to have both features enabled, with the scheduled building damage being set for Friday and Saturday during peak server time and Dynamic Building Damage being always enabled with 30 minuets logout window. This will mean that players will be able to damage buildings during the scheduled building damage windows OR if any building owner is online and for 30 minuets after they logoff, subject to feedback.

We apologize for the confusion this might have caused.

about 4 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey everybody,

Thanks for sending us your feedback.
Let us share a couple of updates and a couple of reminders.

Alex, our lead designer will share some thoughts on what the ideas behind these PVP changes were during the design process, as well as some changes on how we’ll be implementing these changes both on the Exiled lands and Siptah based on the feedback we’ve been gathering.

However, we’d like to ask you all to remain civil and constructive in your feedback. Keep our community guidelines in mind when posting. Also, please any feedback about the changes mentioned in the announcement should be gathered in this thread. Spamming it over other forum categories will not result in more visibility of one particular opinion and will be closed.

about 4 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey everybody,

Alex, our Conan Exiles Lead Designer wrote a few lines about the upcoming PVP servers and how we’re going to adjust them based on your feedback:

We are adjusting our plans for server settings on official PvP servers.
Building Damage will be enabled on:

  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Monday

We are reducing the total number of days during which your buildings can be damaged on PvP servers, giving players time during the week where they do not need to protect their buildings and can engage with other activities during prime time.
Dynamic Building Damage will be disabled on official PvP servers. Private servers will be able to use and evaluate this feature, based on its popularity and telemetry we will reevaluate the setting for official PvP servers later.

about 4 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey everybody,

Our Lead Designer, Alex, is sending another update regarding these changes and how they will reflect on official servers at (Early) launch today:

As several people have mentioned in the thread, there is no good single solution that caters for all players regarding building damage on PvP server because there are several contrasting objectives of different player groups on a PvP servers.

Due to the miscommunications about Dynamic Building Damage and player concerns about there being too much down time between PvP Building Damage windows I have decided that the best course of action at this stage is to NOT change which days Building Damaged will be enabled on.

This situation is the result of there not being enough time assigned to communicate and test the player dynamics regarding Dynamic Building Damage or reducing the number of Building damage windows available through the week.

The Dynamic Building Damage feature will still be available for private servers to experiment with, I would like to invite everyone to experiment with it and continue this conversation with the aim of finding more balance for our players in regard to how much building conflict we allow on PvP servers.

For full transparency, during this early access period for Isle of Siptah we’re going to investigate several of the ways used to circumvent critical PVP game mechanics. Some of them, you have mentioned in this feedback thread, and others that we are aware are happening on official servers. When these are resolved, we will revisit PVP building damage settings again.

about 4 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey everybody,

There’s new balance changes introduced in the latest hotfix: