almost 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

It is currently not possible to change your Funcom Live Services name on your end, but we may be able to help you out if you submit a request through Zendesk.

You can submit your request under any category, but please make sure to include “Funcom ID Change Request” in the title.

Please note: Each request must be manually reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis, so this is not a guarantee you’ll be able to get your name changed.

almost 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Sorry, got mixed up. You can just select any of the ‘Request Types’ up there, enter relevant information as you’re able to (you can just put N/A for things like Server number) and then enter your request in the main body. All the tickets are manually processed anyway, so one of our support staff will spot it.