over 4 years
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They have not mentioned anything about a vacation. They are working on multiple projects geared towards CE. Please do not ask for details or possible time lines as you will not get an answer.
They have not mentioned anything about a vacation. They are working on multiple projects geared towards CE. Please do not ask for details or possible time lines as you will not get an answer.
Most of our team has been, currently is, or will be on vacation shortly, based on the different studio locations and the current COVID-19 situation.
As a member of the volunteer moderation team, we are not advised on vacations unless it involves a large number of their team. There are times of the year when Sweden goes on vacation and they do advise us of those times. The NC studio takes vacation time that allows one office to manned while the other is on vacation. I do know that different teams take vacations that do not conflict with other teams.