about 2 years ago - Spynosaur_Nicole - Direct link

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Think you’re a master at the game or just want to test your knowledge?

Try out our 20 question quiz! Make sure to scroll down after hitting the “done” button to see your results.

How well did you do? :eyes:

:memo: Test Your Knowledge #2: Conan Exiles Survey

about 2 years ago - Spynosaur_Nicole - Direct link

To be fair a lot of them are super tricky. For example, the description text one I feel super bad about adding but I loved the description so much I had to add it in there. You did great though with 75%!!!

And I’m so glad to hear you learned some stuff from it. I think a lot of it are things most hardcore Conan players will know, but I was hoping some people would get some fun tips from this. Like what the black feather helmet does. :slight_smile:
Thank you so much for the kind words though, that really touched me and means a lot!

about 2 years ago - Spynosaur_Nicole - Direct link

For you and @CodeMage and anyone else, here is the very first quiz. It was a while back, I think early 2021? But I’d like to do more if ya’ll are having fun with them!

Looks like most questions hold up except for question #7 due to the changes we made recently. So if you want the answer for it it’s: D: Grit

Quiz #1: