almost 3 years ago - Mayra - Direct link


Thank you for your report. Have you tried removing the bracelet and spawning in the desert?
Also, is the game fully updated to the latest version (2.8)?

We await your reply.

almost 3 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Thank you for the additional information. Please tell us more about the following:

  1. Is your console on a wired or wireless connection?
  2. Do you have similar issues playing Conan Exiles in single-player mode?
  3. Do you experience similar issues playing other PS4 games online?
  4. Can you share with us how old is the current save you’re playing in, and can you give us an estimate on how much you’ve built so far?

Some suggestions that might help you in the meantime:
Try rebuilding your PS4’s database settings. (Safe Mode on PS5™ consoles and PS4™ consoles (US))

And as a last resort, if possible, could you try to backup your singleplayer save to a pen drive and clear up your save and profile, then start a new game to see if the issues persist?

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