over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

@astraljenga, the Game Client by default uses 7777, 7778 and 27015, so what matters is that your server does not use that, so for example you could use 7779, 7780 and 27016 for your server.

In this case you would have to port forward 7779, 7780 and 27016 on your router (I would suggest to do it for all protocols, not just UDP), and when that’s done you need to make sure the TEST PORT returns green.

@stinger, do you think it would make sense for me to change the default values of the ports to not be the same as what the client normally use?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

There’s a lot of confusing and/or difficult things in computing and networking, but it’s very satisfying when you finally get a good idea of how it all works together :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

It’s possible that future Funcom games will be released on Linux as well as other platforms (after all we did that for Lego Minifigures Online, we had a working Linux version), but I doubt that will happen on Conan Exiles: Exiles was the first big UE4 game Funcom did, and the version of the engine we use is some kind of hybrid version that started with 4.10, was later upgrade to 4.12 then 4.15, with bits of later versions added to it to support consoles updates… and we never managed to get a fully running linux server version out of it :frowning:

Historically, all our previous MMOs have been running Linux servers: Anarchy Online, Age Of Conan, The Secret World, Lego Minifigures, all are running on Linux servers.

In your case, I’m not sure how things would work: I can see Wine being able to run the Windows Exiles Server, the Windows Dedicated Server Launcher or the Windows SteamCMD client… but I’m not sure how the interaction between all that work. Have you actually tried to see if that even works at all :smiley: ?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

It’s not the launcher reporting errors, it’s the actual Unreal code in the gameserver.

Regarding Proton, Pacman, Pamac and Manjaro, I’ve never heard any of these words in this context before, sorry :smiley:

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

This is not supported, but importing an existing server is not very complicated.

As indicated in the FAQ:

Q: Can I import the configuration and save games from another server installation?

A: Sure, just copy/overwrite the ini files, dbfiles, logs, etc… from the other server folder, it should just work™

The main difficulty is if you have mods, but for the rest the idea is to just:

  • Put the launcher somewhere on your drive
  • Run it with default settings and deploy a server until the server is running
  • Stop the server (you can let the Launcher running)
  • Overwrite the “Saved” folder with whatever you had in your previous server (you can find the Saved folder by clicking on one of the two blue icons at the bottom left, one opens “Saved/Config/WindowsServer” the other one “Saved/Logs”).

Normally at that point the Launcher UI should automatically update with whatever name you had for your server, number of players, ports, etc…

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

So… are you telling me that the entire ServerLauncher / SteamCMD updates / Server Start/Stop etc… is running on using Wine 4.15?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Too much blood in your coffee stream can have this effect :slight_smile:

If the process does not work, just tell, we will try to fix whatever failed!

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Strange, any idea of which setting in particular is triggering the issue?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Ok, thanks for the feedback, I guess I will put back 1.0.41 as the main version and we will do like if 1.0.42 did not exist.

Can’t have it all right all the time :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

@MidnightFC I think I found the reason why we sometimes get two notification about the server being ready: As you suggested the launcher was waiting for the following string to appear in the server log:

LogMemory:Display: Entered application state ‘WorldPersistenceDone’

but as it happens, it looks like this line now appears more than once in the server logs!

Log file open, 11/05/19 12:41:37
LogPlatformFile: Not using cached read wrapper
LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 5 named threads and 12 total threads with 1 sets of task threads.
[2019.11.05-11.41.55:782][  0]Persistence:Display: WorldPersistence: Finished loading actors
[2019.11.05-11.41.55:799][  0]LogMemory:Display: Entered application state 'WorldPersistenceDone'.
[2019.11.05-11.41.55:862][  0]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
[2019.11.05-11.41.55:872][  0]LogLoad: Took 10.122105 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox)
[2019.11.05-11.41.55:872][  0]LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total time: 19.39 seconds
[2019.11.05-11.42.05:869][  0]Audio:Display: [ConanSandbox_C_0] Not loading environment audio level: Dedicated server.
[2019.11.05-11.42.06:262][  0]Persistence:Display: WorldPersistence: Finished loading actors
[2019.11.05-11.42.06:279][  0]LogMemory:Display: Entered application state 'WorldPersistenceDone'.
[2019.11.05-11.42.06:342][  0]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
[2019.11.05-11.42.06:352][  0]LogLoad: Took 10.478841 seconds to LoadMap 

Would it make sense to look for “LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total time:” instead?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Ok, I pushed a new version which basically is 1.0.41 + the “Added the steam query port to the “copy connection information” button” part of 1.0.42

1.0.43 (05 November 2019)

If that works as expected, it will be the new official version.
Sorry for the fumbling :-/