over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

@Anarchy So there’s a number of questions in your text, so let see what I understood, one by one:

  • Open/Close ports: The “Test Port” feature only work if no game client or server is currently running, because when you start a server, the server will use the port, so the launcher will not be able to test it.
  • Server not responding: There is a delay between the moment the server is running, and the moment you can actually connect to it. Until you see Entered application state ‘WorldPersistenceDone’ in the log window, your server will not accept any client connection. Also, have you tried to disable the firewall on the machine to make sure it’s not actually the operating system refusing the connection?
  • When setting up a server, I highly recommend setting a discord channel with a webhook so the launcher can tell you when the server is running and ready, that also makes it much easier to connect to it by just clicking a link in the message.

@mister_GR Have you checked if your ISP (Internet Service Provider) allows for outbound connections to reach you? A few weeks ago, there was a player from the Philippines who was not able to use the launcher because he was using Globe Telecom which by default does not allow you to use this type of setup (he would need to pay extra for a static/fixed ip)

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

If you stop the server, does the “Test Port” returns green on all ports?

Also: Just to be sure, you are not using the Launcher 1.0.42? (That one had some bug with the ports)

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Sorry for the late answer, for some reason I had gotten logged out from the forum and did not realize, so obviously I was not notified of the new messages… and the week was kind of hectic!

That should really not have any impact: The various versions of the launcher supported various features, but all it does really is to make it easier to edit the ini file and monitor the server. It’s not doing anything fancy with the launch, you could do the same with a batch file (or double clicking the server executable).

PS its a new router new IP address, so its a new server on TopconanServers (…)

What was the old router, what is the new router, any reason for the change?

You’re welcome, I was getting frustrated seeing people struggling with trying to run their own dedicated servers, that being said, you should also thank all the people who made available their own tools or scripts, because looking at the existing helped :slight_smile:

The port issue, was that using the launcher version 1.0.42 ?

Regarding the range, I’m not quite sure really, I’ve not tried any vastly different values, I stayed in the 7xxx and 27xxx ranges when I did my tests, but I don’t see any technical reason why very different values would not be allowed. If anyone knows, please share!

When you write “initial install”, are you talking about the game server or the launcher?

Basically, if you change any value WHILE the server is running, there’s a significant chance that the game server will overwrite it at some point (that’s why the first version of the launcher was disabling the edit fields when the server was running, but some users complained about that).
If that’s what happened, then maybe I could add tooltips that say DO NOT EDIT IF THE SERVER IS RUNNING :slight_smile: ?

I just now tried a fresh install without steam running, set up the ports manually in engine.ini after an initial hiccup, and not only did it show up in the serverlist, it is showing with 7ms ping where the previous install was varied between 24-36ms.


I don’t really see how the presence of Steam could impact the ping time… weird!

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

@Anarchy I had no problem connecting to your server from the TopConanServers link on the page, it detected the list of mods, restart the client with the Age of Calamitous intro screen, and I was able to build a tower on the border of your landing area.

Toolguy%20was%20there%2021602×932 636 KB

Not sure why your other players can’t connect, but as we say “worked for me”!

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I honestly don’t know :frowning:

(I hope this DDOSS thing is going to be resolved, I’ve lost all the notifications, I’m not seeing when messages are being answered either…)

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Holly molly!

There was indeed a bug, and it happened only for the very first entry of a ini file section the first time it got created.

I’m currently testing a new version, but hopefully that should solve a number of issues for the first time users…