over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Hello @itarumaa, welcome to the forums!

We’ll need additional details in order to assist you in this matter, as this is not a common issue.

Do you recall any procedure or taking any steps with both the game and console that led to these issues?

Do you have your saves backed up on the PS cloud?

By online saves, do you mean that you’ve seemingly lost your character on official online servers?

Is your PS4 set as the primary system?


over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Could you please try proceeding past the character creation and checking if any of the previous content ( for example your base ) is still present in the world, to determine if there was a database corruption and a new one was created or if the issue just relates to the character itself?

Also, do you recall changing anything about your profile prior to this occurrence, such as the PSN name?

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Thank you for providing the requested details, we’ll register the issue for our team to look into.

Just to get this bit of information out of the way, even though it might seem obvious it could possibly result in the reported behavior, do you have multiple accounts on your PS and were you ever logged into another one other than your main during this process?
Lastly, have you tried the restore licenses option or even to rebuild the database?

Should you recall any additional steps that might’ve been taken from the reinstallation to the reported event, such as whether you’ve accessed the game from another console, feel free to share them with us as every bit of information helps with the efforts of replicating the issue.