over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Hello everybody, I’m back from holidays :grimacing:

I see that you’ve been busy (26 messages) including some support from some of you answering questions and issues of others, which makes me quite happy, thanks everybody :slight_smile:

I’ve not been in details in all the messages, I’ll address that later, but in the meantime I got a bug fix for you all that happen to get failures updating some recent mods with larger than usual workshop ids!

1.1.1 (10 august 2020)

  • Fixed a problem involving mod ids larger than 2147483648 (2^31) caused by the use of a “int” variable instead of “uint64”
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.1.1

It was a very dumb bug, basically if you had a mod id larger than 2147483648 (like for example “KDR Unchained” with ID 2160533143), the code would fail parsing the id and would try to access some invalid negative value on the steam workshop site, which obviously does not work. :upside_down_face:

That was a 1 liner fix in the code, so should be safe to use if 1.1.0 did work fine for you.

@Kriptor @flakpredator @BJG @Tsumikara @Jtgarrett @bbtech What’s the status for your problems, did you manage to find solutions?

I’ve some plans for that, just did not have the time, because if I do that it has to be done properly

Are you talking of the Windows Event Viewer?

I believe it’s the default behavior of the tooltip system I’m using, but apparently it can be extended to support the concept of “Tracking” tooltips: “Tracking tooltips remain visible until they are explicitly closed by the application, and can change position on the screen dynamically. They are supported by version 4.70 and later of the common controls.”

Did you change the password while the server was running?

Well yes, everything is possible, but what would be a valid reason for that? Without the password the connection is not possible. Are you hopping maybe to give the password personally to players so they have to manually enter it when trying to join?

Same machine for the client and server, or two different machines but on the same local network?

Not totally trivial, I guess a way to do that would be to expose the messages in .ini files you could modify.

Nope, I think I covered that in the FAQ in the first post, the idea is to limit the features to what is purely administration of the actual server program, independently of the evolutions of the game, and which game it work on (the same launcher will be able to run other Funcom games).

The right way to do it is to setup your server with a password, run it, connect to it, and then use the administrator panel in the game to set the game rules you want.

The definition of PVE and PVP already changed at least three times already since the launch of Exiles, so that would be a moving target for me.

You can make this administration task much easier by adding the Pippi mod :slight_smile:

9999 Ping, connection… issues

I know the team has been working hard on fixing all the ping, latency, disconnect, etc… issues, and they still have work to do, these issues should be discussed on other support thread because there’s nothing I can do on my side, and it’s not related to the launcher tool, sorry!

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

No the server was shut down when I attempted the change (verified again before posting this). Does it need to be running?

Nope, just wanted to double check that, because it happens that the server overwrites changes to ini files from time to time.

On your screenshot it looks like you have both ServerPassword and AdminPassword in the same ini file? That’s not the case, normally the ServerPassword is in Engine.ini and AdminPassword is in ServerSettings.ini - I just checked and they both changed fine for me.

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Have you tried to connect to the server using the local ip instead of external ip?

Regarding the reasons, well, the FLS version of Conan Exiles had a massive amount of changes done to the networking code, and some of the things that used to not work are now working better, and some of the stuff that used to work, is sometimes not working anymore as expected - but the team is trying to address each of these cases when they happen -

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Did some quick test, even with // it worked here.

Dumb question: By default Windows machines are setup to hide extensions, are you sure your file is not called “whitelist.txt.txt” instead of “whitelist.txt” ?

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

What would help is if you could do a fresh start of the server and provide three log files:

  • One from your internal connection from one of the machines that can play normally
  • One from one of a machine that tries to connect and then times out
  • One from the game server itself showing what happened during the whole time when people tried to connect (and succeeded or failed).
over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Did the router replacement reliably helped, or do you still have the issue happening?

Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated. Regarding the versions to use, I do need people to test versions to see if they behave as expected, the way the system is designed you can just have the two Dedicated Server Launcher executables side by side in the same folder, and without even stopping your server you can close the first launcher and try the new one, which normally should pickup things where they are, detect the proper running server, get the right settings, etc…

Basically there is no QA team on the server launcher, it’s me testing on my own server, deploying here as “new beta”, you people, are my QA team :slight_smile:

[Also, that’s pretty much impossible to test reliably considering the number of hardware and software configurations out there, different routeurs, servers, people running on the hardware other in VM, etc…]

Feedback is good!
Thanks :slight_smile:

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Hello again Chinese private server owner who does not know English :slight_smile:
(If that can make you feel better, there are many German, Russian and French people who do the same, and that’s fine, but it works better for them because their language is closer to English than asian languages)

Recently, I found that my server often can’t find keywords.

That’s where automatic translation becomes a problem: I’m pretty sure it’s not what you were actually asking, so just to be sure, are you talking about “My server cannot be found using the box to search by name”?