almost 6 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

The only things the DedicatedServerLauncher tool is touching (and only when you press SAVE) are the following files:

  • Engine.ini
  • Game.ini
  • ServerSettings.ini

that’s it, nothing else.

I redownloaded the ded tool and saved it on my HD, copied nothing but the modnumbers and ports used in. The Problem is gone.

I suggest comparing the files in the folder where it’s not working with the ones where it’s working, see what differed.

Am i not allowed to use an SSD w.o. risking it to fail again?

I’ve done my tests on SSD, HDD and SSHD, there’s no reason why SSD should be more vulnerable, it’s actually recommended because patches and startup times are faster on SSD:

The servermanager thingy is already spitting out errormessages about beeing unable to spawn some npcs and other things.

The Server Launcher does not spitt any error messages about game stuff, what you see in the log window is the log file of the server itself. It’s just a commodity, you could load the Conan*.log file in your notepad and see the same thing.

I can enter the server, create a character and it disconnets me like before.
Is the dedicated server launcher broken?

The launcher cannot be broken (normally :wink: ), but the Game Server install itself can be.

Could you zip somewhere the full logs of both the server and client, so we can see what actually happens?

ports are 7781-82 and 27017 (Rcon 25575) so it shouldn’t conflict with steam.

Are you trying to run the server and the client on the same machine?

Do you have green lights when you click Test Port Accessibility?

Is there anything locally saved (outside of your steamfolder like the game and settings are)? Something might be able to corrupt you?

Now, what can get corrupted:

  • It happens that SteamCMD corrupts things (in which case you can try the “Validate Server Installation At Launch” check box)
  • Your network configuration
  • Sometimes Windows Update break things