over 2 years ago - Mayra - Direct link


Thank you for your report.

Have you experienced the issue without any mods active as well?

over 2 years ago - Mayra - Direct link

Apologies for the delay in our answer.

In your server, the players experiencing the issue are all playing from Steam accounts?

over 2 years ago - Mayra - Direct link


It would be great if they could come to the forum and provide more information so we can better understand what’s the common point between everyone experiencing the issue.

Also, if possible, a test without the mods would be the best starting point to rule them out as well.

over 2 years ago - Mayra - Direct link


We are still investigating on our end. However, we still don’t have an ETA for it.

Keep an eye out for it on future patch notes. :slight_smile: