over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Complementing what @drachenfeles and @Kalanth wrote, I highly recommend to connect using the steam connect URL (or direct connect), the browser list is not what I would call “100% reliable”.

Personally I’m just using a Discord webhook, when the server is up I get the notification with a link, I click on it, and the game starts automatically and connect to the right server.

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I edited the FAQ: Players can’t see the server section with a new line about modded servers:

In the server list, if the server is running with some mods, make sure the “Show modded servers” checkbox in the upper right is checked.

If there are other things you think should be mentioned in the FAQ, please tell :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

No, the change was only made to limit conflicts for people who wanted to play with the client on the same machine.

Only problem is the launcher keep defaulting back to the new ports listed above, anytime I fire it up or make changes to anything.

Hmm, strange…
…or is it?

Maybe that has something to do with the annoying feature of Unreal to delete parameters from INI files when they match the defaults… so if you use the defaults, the launcher will see that the parameters are missing, and it will use 7779/7780/27016… in theory if you click SAVE these new ports should be saved in the ini file

Could you check - without the server running - that the content of the engine.ini file correctly gets the updated values for “[URL] -> Port” and “[OnlineSubsystemSteam] -> GameServerQueryPort” (Basically set the values, save, check the ini file in notepad, quit the launcher, restart the launcher and see if you still have the same values, then try some other values that are not matching either defaults and see if that still works.


over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Well, depending of what we find (and other people experience), not sure if it’s an issue that can be fixed, or if I should just revert to the previous version (after all the only reason for 1.0.42 was to help with this specific issue).

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

In which country are you located, there seem to be a number of “Globe Telecom” around, with various rules (like apparently people in Philippines seem to have issues with port forwarding on Globe, after only a very quick googling I admit)

Ok, let’s try something different this time: If you have a way to store screenshots/pictures on an online place I can access (but private by default so other can’t see it), could you send me the link privately on the forum, with the following elements:

  • A screenshot of the DedicatedServerLauncher UI with all the parameters visible
  • A screenshot of the relevant pages on the Cisco router showing the parameters you changed

It’s much easier to see what’s wrong visually than by text description.

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Ok, so you may not actually be able to do that (port forwarding) because from what I’m seing Globe Telecom is using a Carrier-grade NAT system for their customers network configuration (basically from the outside the same IP may map to multiple clients) which makes it impossible to use default ways of port forwarding: https://amoss.me/2017/05/port-forwarding-behind-a-carrier-grade-nat/

Apparently, Globe Telecom does allow this possibility, but it looks like you need to pay extra to get your own external fixed/static IP which then get mapped directly to your own configuration.

Alternatively, it looks like you could cheat using some SSH tunneling, but that’s starting to get very complicated:

What I would start by, is to contact Globe Telecom and ask them about the issue, they are probably used to have people wanting to run their own websites or game servers.

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Could you copy here exactly what you tried to put in the mod field?

The “Mod List” entry accepts two types of values

  • An actual numerical value like ‘860241645’ or ‘1422434062’ (which are the workshop identifiers on steam for ‘PauseOnEsc.pak’ and ‘ServerCore_hades.pak’)
  • A full path pointing to a PAK file present on the user computer
over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Any reason for specifying the complete path to the pak file, instead of just writing 880454836 and let the system fetch the mod itself?

I assume that the “*” is not actually part of what you wrote in the edit field, but that you actually entered this in the edit field:

in one single line, separated by “,” ?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Normally the modlist.txt file is in a ConanSandbox\Mods subfolder at the same level as your ConanSandboxServer.exe

  • Does the modlist.txt look ok?
  • Does the server log indicate anything about errors loading mods?
over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I did some check, the 880454836 id works fine for me (it’s Pippi).
Your bandicam video is weird: The “Found some issues…” error message is only shown if the checked value was not detected as a number.

Could it be that your 880454836 value was copy-pasted from somewhere containing some invisible characters, or maybe that the 0 is actually a O?

Could you try to delete the content of your ServerSettings.ini file, look for a line that looks like that:

Do you happen to be living in a country that is using some non latin character set, or maybe writing from right to left, etc… anything that could possibly confuse my program?