about 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

So here is a small version update for people who want to play with mods reordering.
I know it’s not a proper UI fix, that will happen one day, but this change in the mean time allows you to:

  • Edit your modlist as you want, and reimport it without having to enter numbers
  • Import old modlists of other servers


  • Modified the modlist drag and drop to allow reimporting a modlist by replacing ids if they are in the steamapps\workshop\content subfolder
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.3.5

So, here is how that works (sorry for the large picture):

  1. The way things work, what you type in the Mod List field get processed and regenerated as a modlist.txt file in your Server install (when you press the “Save Changes”)
  2. Now you can open the text file, and change the order. On this picture I swapped “Pippi” and “KDR_Unchained” to get Pippi first (just a random example) and then saved back the modlist.txt
  3. Drag’n Drop the modlist.txt over the Dedicated Server Launcher UI and release the button
  4. The tool detects the drop, processes it and extract the ids (or full paths if they were local files) and asks you if you want to use that as your new mod list
  5. You can see that the modlist has been changed

DedicatedServerLauncherModListEdit2258×2370 935 KB

Feel free to test and tell me if that works fine or if there are issues.

about 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

It’s hard to diagnose things with partial logs, but it’s very probable that your server is in a crash loop, either because there was an update that conflicts with mods, or some db corruption.

It’s most probably not the server launcher, and you can easily check that yourself: Instead of launching the server manually, click on the top of the launcher where the path to the server executable is displayed, that will open a explorer window: Close the server launcher, and manually launch the server executable from the explorer window. If stops by itself, it’s a problem with the server.

If that’s the case, then I would recommend joining the server admin discord, because there are probably people here that could help more than I could.

One important thing though: Have you setup the backup system on the server launcher, so you can revert to a previous game database or sets of ini files in case of problems?

about 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Interesting, and thanks for the Steam log, so we do get a " Timeout downloading item" error message and a “status code 10”.

My question is: Could you try to manually run the batch file that call steamcmd from a command shell, and if it fails try to run it again, and see if at some point it does work.

Basically, does it look like doing some retries would work, like for example, on a “status code 10” is it worth calling SteamCMD again, or will it always fail?

I never had a timeout myself, and testing for errors is one of the hardest things to do… when you don’t get the errors :smiley: