Sorry for the lack of answers, I was busy trying to not die from meltdown in sunny France 
I can ask the team.
When the server is hanging up, do you end up killing it manually?
If yes, before doing that, maybe you could open the task manager and create a memory dump of the game server process and put it somewhere where we can access it and look in the debugger what the server is waiting on (deadlock, mutex, etc…)
That’s doable, I’ll add that to my todo list.
In these situations I try to get back to the basics until I get this part working: If you don’t get the green light, the rest (multihome, changing ports, etc…)does not matter 
Regarding DHCP, there’s a number of routers that are not correctly doing the port forwarding on dynamically allocated IPs, so if I was you I would eliminate this problem once and for all by setting a fixed IP (associated to whatever mac address you are using for this machine), then only do the port forwarding for all the ports (both UDP and TCP).
When testing for green light, make sure you have nothing else running on your machine: No Steam, no game client, no other game server for other games that could be using the same port (and do that after a fresh start in case you would have ports locked for a long duration (you can diagnose that using NETSTAT from a command shell window or SysInterna’s TCP View - better close Skype, Chrome, Messenger, IRC, etc… else you will be drowned in a large see of ports).,
have you tried direct connect ingame?
If the port test does not show green, it means the port cannot be accessed from the outside, so direct connect will not work. Direct Connect only works when the server is correctly setup.