over 4 years ago - Spynosaur_Nicole - Direct link

ScreenshotContest20192500×1080 1.12 MB
Thank you to all who participated in the spooky screenshot contest! It was incredibly hard to pick just one from each game, but these were the ones that we felt fit the spirit of the contest the best!

Here are your winners:

Age of Conan


AoC%20thumbnail_Fass_Halloween_AOC1280×720 1.24 MB

Conan Exiles


883840×2160 2.97 MB

Anarchy Online


AO%20Madness1280×1024 512 KB

Secret World Legends


SWL%20AntiqueRose-SpookyScreenshot21280×720 757 KB

We will be contacting the winners through email and get a signed poster shipped off as soon as possible.
Thanks again and see you for the next contest!