25 days ago - AndyB - Direct link

We’re bringing the stack splitting window back in an upcoming hotfix, currently due later next week. We’ll have a post up about this update, some hot issues, and other things tomorrow.

In the meantime, please don’t get at each others’ throats nor antagonize each other. Having a disagreement with someone (or us) is going to happen, but this conversation needs to pull up. Thanks.

25 days ago - AndyB - Direct link

Yeah, there’s more coming than just the return of the stack split window. We’re looking into solutions for items not being moved between containers or within your inventory consistently, right-clicking for consuming items, item information on the radial wheel, and a couple other things.

We’re also aware of folks saying they’re dying to ‘falling through the world’ and sometimes logging in sunk into foundations.

We’ll have some more details tomorrow.