about 5 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Hi all!
With Rubi-Ka 2019 entering its first weekend, I wanted to touch base with everyone real quick about the launch, your response, known issues, wait times, and community content.

It’s only been a few days, but it’s been a wild ride so far. On Wednesday, we sprung open the gates to Rubi-Ka 2019 - our take on a fresh-start server which you probably already know about if you’re reading this.

(And if not, hey, we have a new server for current and new members to start with staged level caps, no expansions, and a fresh economy!)

So, the soft launch of the server went great and the response has been overwhelming - there’s a ton of people wanting to get in on the new server, which is AWESOME…but it also means a ton of customer support requests are piling in, resulting in longer wait times for everyone.

Support is working to address as many of your issues as quickly possible in the order received; ultimately, our resources are limited and we’re only human, so it will take longer to receive a response or solution than you (or we) would like. We apologize for the wait and thank you for your patience while we churn through your requests!

Hot Issues:

In addition to the launch of RK2019, we’ve deployed a couple patches to fix some issues that popped up. The main things to highlight are that the Pioneer Backback from the new March 2019 offer is now claimable (and is NODROP, since that was asked about a bunch), and all claims from said offer should now be available on both Live and RK2019.

As mentioned above, there’s a lot of tickets coming in, and due to wait times, some players are asking in other channels (forums, discord chat, social media) about what’s going on. We’re aware that some of you are encountering issues with making your payments, account access, choosing the right offer (or getting the offer bonuses at all) and are working to resolve each issue on a case-by-case basis as they come up.

We can’t resolve billing issues in chat or on the forums - they HAVE to go through our email ticket system to be resolved. You can submit said email ticket here:

I know the wait time sucks and you want to get in to play your fresh character! We want you in the game and playing too! And we’re working on that.


Some people have approached me with questions about how we plan to approach community engagement and how you’ll ‘steer this ship’, as we put it. We already made a small adjustment to our plan based on community feedback - we were originally planning to put the cap at 15 but later decided on 20 after it looked like a lot of people were ready to move up a bit further. We’ll see how the cap at 20 goes over the weekend and adapt from there.

On Polls: Polls are a thing we’ll do down the line; one thing to keep in mind about polls is that they engage a fraction of a fraction; the already-engaged and usually vocal minority are the ones that are active on forums/social media in the first place. They may not necessarily represent the playerbase as a whole, so while poll data can be effective as a supplement to our metrics for making decisions, it cannot be the sole way we make decisions. I hope that makes sense.

On AO Streams: At this point, it should be no secret that I am not a skilled Anarchy Online player, to say the least. I will continue to stream Anarchy Online and I will continue to be mediocre at it, and I’m okay with that.

Hopefully I’ll get better at it!

Every Wednesday, we stream at 1:00 PM EST for one of the “Live” games we manage at the Durham, NC studio: Anarchy Online, Age of Conan, and Secret World Legends. These streams should not be expected to contain info dumps, big reveals, and such (unless otherwise explicitly stated) - they are intended as social experiences where I get to hang out and chat with y’all, do giveaways, and hope that you feel appreciated for participating. If that doesn’t vibe with you, you are more than welcome to point your browser elsewhere. I won’t be hurt (much). :slight_smile:

Things were pretty hectic at the office this week and we hope to stabilize soon. Thanks again for all your support, feedback, and @'s on Discord. :stuck_out_tongue:

Have an awesome weekend, and keep your local trolls (aka me) fed.

Andy B (aka Odonoptera) :adnyplz:

about 5 years ago - AndyB - Direct link
