5 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

Hey there, quite an eventful day so far :sweat_smile:

Wanted to leave a small update here - we’re still investigating this issue, although do not have a widespread resolution as of yet. In the meantime, Support can straighten out affected accounts on an individual basis by submitting a ticket through our Zendesk help portal: https://funcom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

Please be sure to include your Funcom ID in your ticket, as that’ll help streamline the process. Edit: Or, just click the “Help” button that pops up on the error message.

We’ll provide more updates as soon as information is available. Thank you for your patience - we know this is far from an ideal situation and are doing what we can to make it right.

5 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

As far as I know, all we really need is your Funcom ID; the other fields are not necessary for this issue. You can leave things like server number blank or enter some random number; it won’t affect the resolution.

5 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

We see the ID in the ticket; that part is automatically filled in on our end once submitted. Please select the ‘Purchases’ category on that menu and that should take care of it. Terribly sorry for any confusion.

5 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

same tbh but I’m not sure I count for this

5 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

The ban is caused by Crom Coins so both!

Should not be a problem. Ban appeal is technically fine but we’d prefer the ‘Purchases’ category be used, since that’s the actual heart of the issue.

4 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

Update on this issue: Updates on Crom Coin/Suspension Issue

We are currently investigating our options to accelerate this process and hope to have more news soon. Thank you again for your patience.

4 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

Somewhat related to this issue and more related to the holidays fast-approaching, but yes, we’re doubling both building and thrall decay timers until January 7th. These changes should go live upon the next server restart.

4 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

We’re currently in the process of deploying that larger-scale solution I mentioned earlier, but will take time to propagate through everyone affected.

4 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

Only 1 ticket is needed if you’re still experiencing issues with your account, and if you already submitted a ticket when the issue first sprung up, then you don’t need to submit a new one.

The vast majority of accounts affected by this issue should be back to normal again, but there’s going to be some accounts that still need manual intervention to fully resolve. :confused:

4 months ago - AndyB - Direct link

Some stragglers may still be resolved today but, as much as it pains me to say, at this point in the day I wouldn’t expect much more until after the weekend. I’m sorry.