almost 3 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey there,

We have already addressed this issue in a recent post:

almost 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Hello friends, couple things:

  1. Console players are perfectly valid and we understand the frustration behind OP’s message; we apologize for making console players seem “second-class” or otherwise less important. Certainly not our intent, but we get why it seems like that, especially with Siptah’s early access period only being on PC. Console players eager for news on Siptah won’t have to wait much longer.

  2. If you have any specific concerns about our moderation practices, please message me directly. That said, 99% of the time, moderators and staff act upon community flags and we can agree or disagree with them as they come up. If you’re finding your posts consistently flagged and hidden or removed as a result, please consider why that may be the case, and please consider re-evaluating your angle or approach so as to be more constructive and contribute to civilized discourse.
