over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

So, by popular vote, version 1.2.5 is now the official version - replacing the old 1.1.2 -, but please give a shot at version 1.3.0 improvements!


Do you have many mods?

Does anyone have an idea what or how i can accomplish this? or figure out why i am loading so slow. Before, the server loaded in 3 minutes only.

I’m not quite sure, but you could ask on the Admins discord, probably some people there have encountered this exact issue and know what to look for.

As answered by @Wigloaf , until the game server is fixed, you need indeed to use -QueryPort=xxxx

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Since it’s 1.2.5, you get the improved error diagnostic message, what errors do you get exactly, time out, socket error, …?

Regarding firewall and router, I assume that:

  • Your ISP allows for port forwarding (some makes it impossible)
  • You’ve setup a fixed IP for the server machine (so it does not change if you reboot)
  • That on the router you’ve forwarded ports 7777, 7778 and 27015 in both UDP and TCP to this fixed IP
  • And that on the firewall you’ve given full access to the launcher (generally to troubleshoot, I shut down the firewalls completely to be 100% sure it’s not a firewall on the computers or router that blocks accesses)
over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Could you take a screenshot that shows the following:

  • Your complete dedicated server launcher UI with all the parameters visible
  • The firewall UI showing what you changed
  • The router UI showing what you changed

also, if you could give me the brand/model of your router and the name/country of your ISP, that could help narrowing down the issues :slight_smile:

Do you get a .DMP file somewhere inside your Saved/ folder?

Is that just using RCon, or also Discord webhook?
Could you try to just type a message and press “Send” to see if that actually work at all? Could be an issue with the RCon port not behaving as expected.-

There’s a known issue where on some setups, connecting on a server from a machine on the same network does not work, but using direct connect with the local ip of the server would work.
Could you try that?

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Ok, so with @SaIInS (using 1.2.5) you are the second person to signal such an issue, could you confirm if it’s only the restart/update messages, or all the messages (like the “Send” button does not work at all)?

What could help is if you could try the earlier versions and find which version seem to have broken the warning messages.

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Regarding “Can only connect using local IP” when using a computer on the same network

That’s unfortunately not my domain (I’m not a part of the Exiles team), what I could suggest is for all the people who encountered this particular issue to use a single forum post regarding the issue, and post details about your setup (wired or wifi network, model of router, use of multihome or not, ports used, etc…) so the dev team gets all the reports on the same place.

I was told the issue existed but was not widely happening, but there seem to be quite many people impacted by that, so the more information they can get, the better.

Ok, so maybe it’s something inside the messages that cause some issue, could you find me some examples of messages that do not work at all, so I can try to reproduce it?

I tried with my own set of messages, and they worked fine, on direct Send, on mod update, on restart, and delayed restart, both on Discord, RCon broadcast and RCon server.

What @Magwan wrote, look at “Importing an existing server” in the first post

Is it everybody who can’t enter, or only you from the same local network? If it’s only you, try Direct Connect using the local IP.

If it’s not that, then it’s a case of checking the logs for the server and clients to see what goes wrong, generally you see an attempt at connecting and then it fails for some reason.

So, let see, you had multiple points there:

I think I am not getting “rename the folder” part as I didn’t and I was not sure what folder to rename

That was just an example: The launcher does not care about where it is, so you could shut it down, rename the folder where it is located, and restart it, that will work. Your case is different, you tried to move the installation from one machine to another one, and assuming you’ve changed the network parameters on your router to properly point to the new machine’s IP address, that should work just fine.

I copied all the file under “Dedicatedserverlauncher”, and the launcher setting was all imported (at least it seems) in the desktop.

I highly recommend to NEVER install anything on the desktop, it’s bad things waiting to happen: Put that in a short folder. like C:\MyServers\Conan or D:\ConanExiles, etc… avoid long paths, avoid to put things in C:\users, avoid desktop, etc… (but you can put a shortcut to the desktop if you want)

I downloaded the exe file separately to the desktop PC too… I should’ve copied this too?

Does not really matter, as long as you have a working version of the launcher :slight_smile:

However, when I try to join the server, I cannot connect to the server even if I can see it in the server list. Connection times out.

Do you have a green light when you test the ports?

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Ok, so a case of “Have you tried to turn it off and on again” :slight_smile:

Let cross fingers so things continue working :slight_smile:

I guess you can, though there’s a large chance that these errors are things most people have, Exiles has unfortunately a large amount of log spam that has not been resolved yet, the team has been working on that but there’s still a huge amount to go through.

That’s a known issue that the team has been trying to solve for quite a while, I know there are some fixes in the pipeline, that seems to be related to the client (or server, or both) sometimes losing the connection with these systems that measure ping and stuff, and failing to reconnect because it still thinks it’s connected.

Have you tried the “Validate install” button?
Could be some data corruption.

Regarding actual game errors, I can’t help: I’m not part of the Exiles devteam, not been for at least two years, imo you’ll have more chance asking on the support threads, or possibly to join the Exiles Admins Discord which has many knowledgeable people

over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Damn, that’s a bug, just tested, I broke something, the test itself is valid, the error message is valid, but it was supposed to be:

  • Grey: Untested
  • Green: Tested and working
  • Red: Tested and not working

but yeah, if you did not have green, it means it’s not open.
The RCon port is not tested because it does not have to be port forwarded, you can if you want to RCon from another machine, but technically just having it working locally is good enough - at least if you want the server launcher to be able to send messages to the server -

You could just put the error messages you are wondering about in something like pastebin or some other text sharing online system, makes it easier to go through.