over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

This is a minor version of the Launcher, mainly designed to make it (slightly) less confusing to find which settings to use when trying to connect to a dedicated serer

1.0.42 (11 September 2019)

  • Added the steam query port to the “copy connection information” button
  • Changed the default ports used by the server from 7777/7778/27015 to 7779/7780/27016
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.0.42

Nothing changed in the UI, other than different default ports for the server (this should only impact people running with the previous default ports).

This screenshot tries to explain what confuses people: You have to use a different port if you use Steam Connect than if it you the Direct Connect in the game browser:

DedicatedServerLauncher1042-Changes.png1207×663 141 KB

To simplify that, I extended the information we get when clicking the orange icon. When you click the icon, the information are copied to the clipboard, and you have to paste that somewhere (here a notepad window), and you see something like that:

Direct Connect
- IP and Port:
- Password: 12345

Steam Connect
- steam://connect/

Server Information
- Name: My Super Server
- Code Version: 116518/20242 (default branch)

the important information here is that Direct Connect uses 7777 while Steam Connect uses 27015.

If you don’t know how to use Steam connect, a simple way is to just press WINDOWS+R to show the “Run” dialog, and paste there the “steam://connect/” string and that will automatically launch the client with the correct connection information.

Hopefully that should help

@VR49 Could you try this new version and send me on private message the content of what you get when clicking on the orange icon?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

RCON and Discord are two separate systems, each one with their own settings, but in both cases the notification system is the same.

So in both case you need to have the Warning Messages correctly setup, don’t try to put a message just “second before restart” it may never appear, that’s why the defaults are 10, 5 and 2 minutes.

What I suggest is to use the “Send” message option to test if things work:

  • Enable RCON (check box + password + rcon port [default should be fine if you don’t have other servers using the same port])
  • Enable Discord (checkbox + webhook API url)
  • Type some message and press “Send”

if the settings are correct, you should receive the message both in the Discord chat and in the game as a block dialog [Note: I was told that when using Pippi it would be a good idea to use /server instead of /broadcast, but I did not have the opportunity to test that]

If that still does not work, then I guess I will need to see a screenshot of your setup and the logs for the server and the launcher.

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Oh, so maybe I should send some default message if none was entered. Good point.
So that was the only issue, RCon messages not appearing because there was no default text?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

What the launcher does is to find the location of its own executable (using the GetModuleFileNameW win32 API function), and then add ‘\DedicatedServerLauncher’ to it.

Pro Tip: You can use an undocumented command line parameter to provide an alternate location for the folder containing all the deployed data:

-basefolder D:\MyDedicatedServers\ConanExiles

is the time for the warning messages real time or time before restart? ex: Is 11:00 11 am or 11 hours prior to restart?

“Restart daily at” is the only real time reference, expressed in 24 hours local time format.
Everything else (“Minimum up time”, “Delay before message”) are offsets (so “how many hours should have the server been running at a minimum”, or “how long is it now until the server restarts”).

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Yes, specially when you have to deal with a cluster of computers who can be running on different geographical locations.

Let say you got a report that “my game crashed when I tried to log on the server”.

If you live in a “local time” world, it gets very difficult to find out what happened:

  • You have the local player’s machine
  • The game server owns’s logs and events
  • Eventually third party services (steam, battleye, vivox, discord, …)

When you work in UTC you can just easily correlate what happened in which order (assuming machines are correctly set to the correct time, if some of the machines are off by dozens of minutes or one hour…) so you can follow easily the sequence of events.

It also makes things like auto-update much easier: 90% of my time wasted on the mods auto-update was trying to figure out from Valve side if a version of a mod was more or less recent than the currently installed one. If they had used UTC I could just have done a trivial comparison.

Stuff like that is to be expected. Frankenstein’s monster wasn’t exactly a fully functioning human after all.

Still was interesting to get that working, and since Wine people are trying to achieve as much compatibility as they can, we can hope that this will be fixed at some point :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Do you get this error on a brand new install of a server?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

You are on the right way:

  • two folders
  • each with its own launcher
  • each managing its own full install of the game server
  • with its own custom set of ports

and that’s about it: In most cases you don’t need to have multiple network cards or play with multihome: Just setup port forwarding for your first server, make sure that works well, then when you get that one running just copy-paste the entire folder and edit the server name and ports (and port forward these as well).

Having the full duplication of all files and servers was not optimal, but it was the easiest way to keep things simple, and it allows you to tinker with new versions of the game or the launcher independently, try one using TestLive instead of Live, etc…