about 2 years ago - RitualGround - Direct link

Greetings @China1 and welcome to our forums!

Does this happen only on server 1977? Are you able to connect to any other server or does the same thing happen?

about 2 years ago - Sarealac - Direct link

Hello everyone!

Thank you for reporting this issue to us and for everyone’s insights!

Server issues have to be dealt with by our team in the Help Centre as it was mentioned before. If you could please write your report here: https://funcom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new :smile:

We appreciate your patience in this matter.

about 2 years ago - Sarealac - Direct link


Thank you for explaining the situation to me.

I understand this is quite frustrating, but I poked my colleagues on Zendesk and it seems the issue is currently being investigated!

We really appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.