Another version, the focus was to help diagnose problems (there was reports of mysterious “can’t save” and “port failed”, so I added some error messages).
1.2.5 (18 september 2020)
- The dedicated server launcher log files (in the /Logs subfolder) will now clearly indicate which ini file failed saving when it happens.
- The backup code now also handles the “blacklist.txt” and “whitelist.txt” files
- All restrictions on the maximum number of players have been removed, that does not mean your server will manage to run with 150 players, but if you want to try, you now can
- Add the server PID in the title bar, can be useful to locate the process to see which port it uses in NETSTAT, or to simply kill the process
- Modified the “Test Port Accessibility” to give some proper diagnostic on what did go wrong: TimedOut, could not bind the port, …
- Added a new “Mods” tab, which only lists the server log lines containing mod related stuff
Dedicated Server Launcher 1.2.5
Hopefully, if no major issue is found, I’ll have the “map selector” in the next version next week.