almost 6 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

this is covered by the FAQ in the first post:

Q: Can this tool be used to manage Xbox or PS4 servers?

A: We are unfortunately not allowed by game console publishers to release server executable to the public. (I guess they probably fear that they could be hacked and allow people to play online without having the right subscription level.)

Sorry :slightly_frowning_face:

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Nope, I did not know (or I missed it).

When you write “after each reboot”, do you mean “reboot of the machine”, or is it at each restart of the server?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Have you tried to resize it from the bottom, see if that helps “pop back” the correct dimensions?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

In the recent versions of the server, changing parameters while the server is running tends to not work, because the server rewrites data, which undo changes.

Try to set the check box, then save, then start the server.

But I am using the 1039 beta version ( when you have fixed the max limit player value ) . Is there any change between the 1039 beta and official ?

Exactly the same version, it’s actually the same download link, it’s only the page description that changes.

What about Minimize/Maximize?
Does that also get disabled?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I fear I have no other idea at this point :-/
I thought I had fixed the core issue, but obviously it’s still there.

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Ok, next time this happens, could you create a memory dump of the application and put it somewhere I can download it ?

Depending of how long the program has been running, and what the problem is, we can expect the DedicatedServerLauncher.DMP file to be anywhere from a few megabytes to (hopefully not) a couple gigabyte.

You can create it from the task Manager:


As explained in the Network Configuration section of the first post at the top, it can be caused by a number of things:

  • Firewall not allowing the connections
  • Incorrect port forwarding values
  • Ports already used by something else

as long as the results are red, don’t try to fix the rest, that would just be a waste of time

So, a few questions:

  • What type of machine is it (desktop, server, in your house/apartment, rented VM in some hosted center, etc…), amount of memory, operating system, type of disk storage.
  • What type of internet line, model of router, are you using ethernet cable or wifi, …
  • Is the Conan Server the only thing running on the machine, or are you also running other games servers, some game clients, bitcoin miner, webserver, etc…

just trying to eliminate obvious issues first :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

When testing for port forwarding, a good idea is to eliminate all unknown, so in your case I would do the test with the firewall disabled.

Regarding the port forwarding, are you using static IPs or DHCP? Sometimes it happens that routers allow you to port forward on the IP, but when the machine is setup to use DHCP, on the next reboot it may have a different IP and everything fails. (In this case it’s better to set up a fixed IP on the router by associating it to the MAC/Hardware address of the network card on the PC)

I assume the machine has only one network card?

Just to be sure: When you test the port, you don’t have the server or game running?

Regarding the 6 gigs of ram, I fear you are not going to do much with the machine, it’s very limited…

I’m not sure I understood this question :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

My problem is solved, it is still caused by the forwarding problem of the router, thank you very much!
Now it’s working fine, great tool!

Nice :slight_smile:

However, some animals (rhino, elephant, etc.) in the H7 area during the first run are available

I unfortunately cannot help with anything game related - I’m not an actual member of the Conan Exiles team, I just happen to maintain this specific launcher tool -.

For things related to game problems, you should use the other forums, there are probably other persons encountering issues with NPCs not respawning.

Good luck!

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Could you detail a bit more?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Are you using the app without problems ?

I got a SteamCMD error on the first launch, but it worked fine on the second launch, so that could just be a flakyness problem caused by the Steam Summer Sales (performance problems, etc…).

I assume you have plenty of disk space on the machine?

Have you checked the content of the Logs folder, if the “stderr.txt” or any of the other txt files generated by SteamCMD contains interesting information?

over 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Could you find me the logs of the Dedicated Server Launcher for this particular day so I can take a look at the sequence of events?