almost 6 years
ago -
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Hey there,
Please set the Game Mode filter on the server browser to “All”. There’s currently an issue when selecting “Player vs Environment -Conflict”. Our team is working on a fix.
Hey there,
Please set the Game Mode filter on the server browser to “All”. There’s currently an issue when selecting “Player vs Environment -Conflict”. Our team is working on a fix.
Could you let us know your country and Internet Service Provider?
Could you try the following so we can isolate the issue?
- Go to ’ Settings ’ and select ‘Network’
- Select 'Advanced Settings ’
- Select 'DNS Settings ’
- Select ‘Manual’
- Enter as Primary DNS server address
- Select Enter to input this Secondary DNS server address:
- Press ‘B’ on your Xbox controller to save your DNS changes.
- Restart your Xbox One.