New day, new version.
I still have plans on adding an easy to use selector to choose which map to play on, but I’ve prioritized things that can help people diagnose problems more easily, so here is are the changes:
1.2.4 (17 september 2020)
- Fixed an issue with the ini file parser which would not properly remove duplicate entries in the ini files
- Added a new “Errors” tab, which only lists the server log lines containing the “:Error:” pattern
- Added a new “Players” tab, which only lists the server log lines containing the “Join succeeded” or “ChatWindow:” patterns
- Added alternative tooltip description for the log output depending on which tab is selected
- The currently running map name is now displayed in the title bar
- Found out that the crash reporting did not work: Neither the log file or crash dump were sent, hopefully should work now
Dedicated Server Launcher 1.2.4
and here is what it looks like:
Displaying the name of the map, is mostly to allow people to quickly see if they are running what they think they selected, the two new tabs are mostly filters on the main view to make it easier to see if there are problems in general, or specifically when people try to join - successfully or not -
Now, regarding the questions and comments:
That’s not server launcher related, it’s a known issue on the server browser/kds/fls system, it’s being worked on (some people are trying to figure out what the issue is), but it’s not my department, I’m only concerned by Dedicated Server Launcher related issues.
Also, I cannot change the number of players in the launcher. Doesn’t save. After the restart, everything remains the same! Tell me what should I do?
Could you check the “LogInit: Command line:” in your server log, normally you should have some “-MaxPlayers=xx” entry in it. Also check your “game.ini” and look for [/Script/Engine.GameSession] MaxPlayers, and check if the values make sense and if there’s only one entry in the ini file.
I’m not sure what you mean by that
Also for
Deathdog The map is available by default to the server, it’s just a matter of selecting it, which at the moment means adding this to your Engine.ini:
Have you tried to use the local ip of the machine, since you are on the same local network?
That’s coming “soon”.
I’m trying to handle the list of issues before adding features.
Define “Before”: are we talking “last week”, or “a few months ago, before the EGS/FLS big update”?
There’s been a ginormous amount of network related code change in Conan Exiles, many things are working much better for many people (like for example, for the first time EVER, I was actually able to see my own server on the server list, never happened with the old code), but now and then, or for some people in specific cases, it gives things like 9999 ping, etc… and the team is trying to address these corner cases when they manage to identify the issue.
Is it vanilla server, or did you add some mods?
- If it’s a non modded server, the message is probably correct, so try to click on “Validate Server Installation”
- If it’s a modded server, it most probably caused by mods not being updated to the new version of the game, so either remove the mods or wait for an update
There’s a known (recent) issue with the Steam Query Port, for some reason it does not get properly detected by the game, so if you don’t want to use 27015, the current solution is to pass it as an additional Command Line Parameters:
The Dedicated Server Launcher does not support editing the game specific settings, you can set all these values in the game itself using the admin panel.