over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Hi and welcome to the forums @Zarakie!

According to this server’s stats it seems to be running as expected and it has been getting player traffic in the past days, do you have any issues connecting to any other server?

Could you also ensure that your console is on a wired connection rather than wireless?

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Are you currently having any issues connecting or staying connected to the server?

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Server 3515 has undergone maintenance a couple of hours back and has not shown any anomalies in its network traffic since then, please let us know if you experience any further issues, we’ll keep monitoring the server as well on our end.

@CIESO-OPP Unfortunately we’re unable to provide any assistance regarding the loss of materials or items in-game.

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

We’re not detecting any issue with the server at this time, there are also 10 players on it so there might be an issue on your end.

Are you able to connect to other servers that are currently populated and are you on a wired connection?

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Thank you for sharing your feedback and reports, we’ll be sure to relay the additional information to our team and G-Portal.

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

The server has recently undergone maintenance and we’re unable to detect any odd network activity, could you please let us know the exact time at which you experience these issues today, should it happen again?

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

This situation is still being looked into, apologies for the delay in its resolution.

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

This matter is currently being handled by our developers and G-Portal with high priority, we’ll be sharing further information when possible.

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

G-Portal will be performing server wide maintenance throughout today and tomorrow, which should improve the overall performance of all servers:

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

We apologize for the delay in this matter’s resolution, it has not been due to a lack of effort on our end. We’re still in talks with G-Portal to seek a resolution to this issue.

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

We’ll be sure to share any relevant information as soon as we have it.

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

We’ve set up a new, temporary PvE-C in our EU datacenter for the PS4 to run some further tests in this specific environment, we’d appreciate any feedback given from anyone willing and able to join and play:

#3051 Testsystem

Do note that it’s not listed as an Official server so be mindful of your filters.

We’re aware that not everyone is experiencing these issues as the official PvE-C servers have been pretty active so it would really help if anyone experiencing connectivity issues could provide us with some additional data to forward to the team.

over 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Apologies for not providing all the necessary details, the server is for the PS4 and its name has been added so you can search for it, be aware that it’s not listed as an official server, the previous reply has also been updated accordingly:

about 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

To further clarify on this matter, the main issue seems to be related to the database size and not connectivity as we had initially thought, as all our tests in this regard didn’t detect any problems, including the ones that we’ve requested some players to do privately so that we could gather on how different ISPs were responding to our server provider’s ISP, to be as thorough as possible.

Databases have a tendency to become very large on PvE and PvE-C servers, and our developers have been working on several optimizations that will help with this matter that were recently deployed for the PC and will hit the consoles soon:

With the above update, most server databases have had considerable reductions in size, up to 30%, having a noticeable performance impact on the server hardware.

We’ve also been running some tests and benchmarks on different hardware to determine if this could mitigate the issue together with the above optimization, which we have been slowly scaling.

We’ll be doing some additional maintenance to both 3514 and 3515 tomorrow morning and will appreciate any feedback, thank you for understanding.

about 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Maintenance has been concluded on both #3514 and #3515, due to an IP change it’s possible that they won’t be present on the favorites and last played lists so you might have to look them up once more.

about 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

@elnaca can you find the server through the server browser?

If so, do you have any issues connecting to the server?

about 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Thank you for letting us know, we’ll reach out to G-Portal once more, apologies for the situation.

about 4 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

We’re sending note to G-Portal regarding the ongoing issues, apologies for the inconvenience.