almost 5 years ago - Cattibria - Direct link

In all honesty, these rules were in the process of being developed and finalized on the 14th. They were only made public this morning. The moderators were given a heads up on this yesterday.

almost 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey all,

By now, you’ve seen the server rules. Please make sure to read them thoroughly and carefully if you’re playing on official servers. As members of our community, we’d also like to ask you to follow the procedures indicated there to report and appeal, as we will try to reinforce our forum guidelines on those posts who don’t follow those rules now that those processes are clearly listed.
So, as a reference, if you’re playing in official servers, read this:

And if you’re interacting in our forums, please read this:

@Cattibria is correct. This is a process that was started months ago and worked on behind the scenes. The timestamp of the rules post is when we added the final draft of the rules to the forums.
To clear any possible confusion, we have moved forward the timestamp of that post to the moment it was made public.

almost 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey @EndlessLuny

We don’t make any money off private servers.

almost 5 years ago - Melcom - Direct link

5 posts were split to a new topic: The guys in the mesh

almost 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

We’ll proceed to close the thread as inevitably has derailed into some topics not allowed in our forums.
Please remember to review both our forum guidelines and server rules: