almost 5 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

Hello @zakijah, thank you for your submission. Our team is actively looking into improving overall console performance and addressing its specific issues.

Please ensure that your console is on a wired connection to improve overall stability. You may also try to disable Boost mode on your PS4 and changing the resolution to 720p in the video output settings.

If possible, consider installing the game to an external HDD/SSD as it helps with loading times and stutters as well.

almost 5 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

We’ll reach out to you privately regarding your game data files.

almost 5 years ago - Hugo - Direct link

As it has been mentioned in our first reply, our team is actively looking into improving overall console performance and addressing its specific issues.

The suggestions we present are meant to help funnel down the issue both to assist users in improving their experiencing while also allowing us provide more accurate data to the team, as there are many factors that come into play other than the game itself.

Any other feedback can and should be shared in more appropriate sections, such as General Discussion or Suggestions, as long as it’s constructive.