almost 6 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Hi, thanks for the report.

Could you provide me your ini files (engine.ini, game.ini and serversettings.ini) which should be in the ConanExilesDedicatedServer\ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsServer folder?

Additionally, could you:

  • Open Engine.ini in a text editor, and validate that you correctly have a “[OnlineSubsystem]” section, with a “ServerPassword=(your password here)” entry that matches your password
  • Start the DedicatedServerLauncher and see that you have the password correctly displayed
  • Press Save, and Quit the Dedicated Server Launcher
  • Check again with the text editor that your password is still there
  • Go to the root of ConanExilesDedicatedServer and manually launch “StartServer.bat”
  • When the server has been started for a few seconds, check in the text editor if the password is still there
  • Manually close the server and do the server start again a number of time, to see if at some point the password is gone

Basically I’m trying to figure out if it’s the Game Server itself or the Server Launcher that removes the password.


(Side note: Normally the program should not have to run as admin, should run fine normally)

almost 6 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I’ve successfully used private messages for that before :slight_smile:

almost 6 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Possibly nothing, what I asked people to send me was text configuration files and screenshots, for the text files they basically added them in “preformatted text” section in their posts.

That being said, I asked to our community site people if we could have an official Funcom system to share stuff with players (kind of private dropbox/google drive/whatever) to help with support requests in a safe and protected environment (you know, GDPR compliant, regularly flushed when not necessary anymore, etc…)

almost 6 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link


I just got informed that there used to be a bug in the game with the admin panel: Sometimes, when changing some of the server settings, the server password would end up being lost when the server rewrote the ini file.

I was supposed to have been fixed, but could that be something? Did you (or some admins on your server) change some settings on the server, which could explain the password vanishing?