over 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Greetings everyone,

We’ve passed this information over to the rest of the team for further investigation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we look into this.

over 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Could you please provide us with some additional information?

  • What console are you using (PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, etc)
  • Are you using a wireless connection?
  • Are you in a different region (NA, SA, EU, etc) and playing on a Japanese server?

This additional information will help the team determine the cause of the issue.

over 2 years ago - Ignasi - Direct link

Hey there!

There’s a new thread with updated information about this issue here:

Please use the new thread to discuss this topic. We’ll close this one for easiness to track the feedback.
