The past few years have been an incredible journey – from our humble roots in Early Access, to our official launch in 2018, and now navigating these challenging times as we all wonder just what’s around the corner at every turn.
But Crom made us strong, and you’ve made us stronger still.
We know it’s been a little bumpy at times, and to that we offer our deepest appreciation for your support, your passion, and your patience over the years. We wouldn’t be here without YOU: The modders, the builders, the artists, the slayers, the roleplayers, the adventurers; the community.
You, Exiles, are who we are truly grateful for. Thank you!!
It doesn’t just stop at text this humble Community Manager wrote, either! A bunch of developers wanted to give their personal thanks – even the most camera-shy of us came out of the woodwork for this one! Meet some of the team across Durham, Oslo, Lisbon, and everywhere between:
Additionally, some incredible artists in the Conan Exiles community are here to share their creations in celebration of our 3rd Anniversary! We reached out to Aayndre, IndustryThirteen, Kevin Catalan, Yojimbe, and ProzacGirl, and asked each of them to create an illustration based on a prompt. Behold, the fruits of their talent and tablets, and thank you all for your amazing work (and for putting up with our nitpicking)!
Click on an image for the full view! Each artist has their Twitter or Instagram linked.
aayndre (@aayndre) |
IndustryThirteen (@iNDUSTRY13) | Kevin Catalan (@KevinCatalan) |
Yojimbe (@artyojimbe) |
ProzacGirl (@DrawingProzac) |
And to close us out, another personal thank-you from our Project Director, Scott Junior:
“Hey Exiles!
Just like in the video, I’d like to personally thank you all for joining us in this trying year, and I hope we could offer some much needed levity and escapism for everyone out there. Thank you to our moderators, private server admins, and mod makers for bringing so much life to our game and community.
Thanks again for everything this past year, and here’s to the coming year and many more after!”
May your wits be keen, your shelter stand strong, and your thirst always quenched. We’ll let you decide how.
Stay safe and stay excellent to each other, Exiles. We’ll see you on the other side.
The Conan Exiles team
The post Conan Exiles Turns 3! appeared first on Conan Exiles.
The past few years have been an incredible journey - from our humble roots in Early Access, to our official launch in 2018, and now navigating these challenging times as we all wonder just what’s around the corner at every turn.
But Crom made us strong, and you’ve made us stronger still.
We know it’s been a little bumpy at times, and to that we offer our deepest appreciation for your support, your passion, and your patience over the years. We wouldn’t be here without YOU: The modders, the builders, the artists, the slayers, the roleplayers, the adventurers; the community.
You, Exiles, are who we are truly grateful for. Thank you!!
It doesn’t just stop at text this humble Community Manager wrote, either! A bunch of developers wanted to give their personal thanks - even the most camera-shy of us came out of the woodwork for this one! Meet some of the team across Durham, Oslo, Lisbon, and everywhere between:
Additionally, some incredible artists in the Conan Exiles community are here to share their creations in celebration of our 3rd Anniversary!
We reached out to Aayndre, IndustryThirteen, Kevin Catalan, Yojimbe, and ProzacGirl, and asked each of them to create an illustration based on a prompt.
Behold, the fruits of their talent and tablets, and thank you all for your amazing work (and for putting up with our nitpicking)!
Click on an image for the full view! Each artist has their Twitter or Instagram linked.
And to close us out, another personal thank-you from our Project Director, Scott Junior:
"Hey Exiles!
Just like in the video, I’d like to personally thank you all for joining us in this trying year, and I hope we could offer some much needed levity and escapism for everyone out there. Thank you to our moderators, private server admins, and mod makers for bringing so much life to our game and community.
Thanks again for everything this past year, and here’s to the coming year and many more after!"
May your wits be keen, your shelter stand strong, and your thirst always quenched. We’ll let you decide how.
Stay safe and stay excellent to each other, Exiles. We’ll see you on the other side.
The Conan Exiles team