It’s in the link posted above, under PVP Settings overhaul. Quoting it here for visibility.
Temperature, balancing and PVP changes coming with the release of Isle of Siptah
We have also added a new system called Dynamic Building Damage, which if enabled (server setting) allows player to damaged buildings while any of the owners (individual or clan) are online (even outside the scheduled raid times) and for a duration (server settings) after the last owner has logged off.
While these settings are completely customizable in private servers, on officials we will introduce the following changes:
For PVE and PVE-C Official PC servers, there will be no changes.
On official PvP servers , there will be no changes at launch. We will be investigating some issues that affect PVP mechanics and we’ll be working on fixing them in a future update. Once that happens, and based on telemetry from private servers who chose to enable these settings, we will be adjusting them on official servers.