about 3 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Greetings everyone,

We are aware of this issue and the team is currently looking into it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we investigate.

almost 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Hey there, looking at our Jira board, it appears the issue where Harpagus the Hatcher fails to spawn was recently fixed internally. Unless I’m reading this wrong, it’s slated for release in a future update. We apologize for the wait but he should be back in action soon enough.

almost 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

I know it’s been a while. As far as I can tell it’s scheduled for release before the end of the year, unless something explodes.

almost 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Yes, we’re fixing the issue and while I won’t disagree I would like to have seen the solution come sooner, it’s happening and should be pretty soon; if I recall correctly it should be in the next update. I’m sorry it’s taken so long and for any trouble it’s caused!

almost 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

Not yet; today’s mini-update was mostly for backend/compatibility stuff. I’d expect the fix in the next major update. Perhaps not soon enough, but SOON, I swear

almost 3 years ago - AndyB - Direct link

A post was merged into an existing topic: Help! I accidentally deleted my lvl 80