almost 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Hey @Kysier

We understand the frustration these issues can cause, but we could do with a more constructive tone and less outright deceiving in the feedback received in order to be able to act upon it. We’ve been collecting feedback from our community and using it to improve the game in most feasible cases, including duping and other exploits on which we’re actively working on right now.

In your case in particular, if you could please elaborate more on the issue you’re reporting and less on the rant, we could try to send it to our team so they can verify the issue and fix it. What you’re saying is, that one a KO’d thrall is being dragged, you lose it when jumping or entering a body of water? Is there any other circumstance that could be affecting this, such as a huge ping at the moment of this happening?

almost 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

No worries @Kysier. We understand the frustration and how it can be to not see an issue addressed fast enough.
We’ve notified our team about this problem under heavy server stress to see if they can find a way to optimize the netcode and prevent this from happening in the future.

Regarding duping and exploiting in general, our answers are deliberately vague when dealing with them as we don’t want this kind of information to be of public knowledge, nor our fixes to be known beforehand so some players can find new ways to break the game.
We’re also most of the time unaware of the actual methods players use to exploit (i.e. duping) as those who use it keep it for themselves, and those who suffer it often only have incomplete pieces of information we can’t effectively use to concoct a fix.
Fortunately, regarding duping, many players have come forward and shared all the info they had on it during the past weeks and we’ve started to take measures to fight this gamebreaking exploit actively. Some of those measures have been sneakily put in place behind the scenes and we’ve started collecting data and confirming its effectiveness. Some, more aggressive fixes are being worked on right now and will be announced when the time comes.
All these things we just shared above are usually kept vague or not disclaimed, as it gives a hint to the people abusing it we would prefer not to. But we understand that for the majority of players who are suffering its effects it can be very frustrating to not know it is being worked on.

Since we’re derailing a bit with the topic of exploit discussion unrelated to the original issue treated in this thread, if you happen to come across information regarding exploits and how to reproduce them, we’d be grateful if you could share it with us privately either via forum private message to either @Hugo or me, or via our tool Exploit Hunters.
Thanks and again, apologies for the frustration.