over 1 year ago - AndyB - Direct link

There have been rolling restarts on most official servers in order to temporarily work around an issue causing folks to become unable to corrupt their stats (or end up getting reset).

We attempted this earlier in the day, but the fix did not propagate. We identified the cause internally and gave it another go somewhat recently.

There is also a known issue causing MS Game Pass players to see invalid servers, which is a much more involved issue that server restarts won’t fix. Hopefully it’s not that. :stuck_out_tongue:

over 1 year ago - AndyB - Direct link

I had missed earlier when you said you’re on Game Pass. Sadly, that is likely the cause of what you’re describing, as there may be a version mismatch preventing you from seeing valid servers.

This is an issue we cannot resolve with simple server restarts and will likely require waiting until a patch can be published or if you can coax the Xbox patching system to give you an update. It’s a fickle beast.

We are working on a patch to fix emergent issues found in 3.0, but I currently don’t have details on exactly when it’ll drop. Keep an eye here or on our social media for news on updates. In the meantime I can only kindly ask for your patience.