There’s been some recent issues regarding Steam updates, detection of changes, etc… so I made a small quality of life update for the server launcher which actually logs what happened with SteamCMD as a part of the Dedicated Server Launcher log files, so we can actually look at the issues later.
And while I was at it, I added a new tab in the UI so you can monitor the actual launcher logs without having to manually open the log file from disk.
1.3.4 (30 november 2020)
- The log output of the SteamCMD operation is now added to the Dedicated Server Launcher log files in a section starting by STEAMCMD OUTPUT
- Added a new tab with the content of the Dedicated Server Launcher log
Dedicated Server Launcher 1.3.4

@Twiixx using this version, please look for the following messages:
- Setting the background mod check to every 5 minutes
- Starting to check if the server and mods (2160533143,880454836,1382120864,1695473408) are up to date: Did not find anything to update