over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

There’s been some recent issues regarding Steam updates, detection of changes, etc… so I made a small quality of life update for the server launcher which actually logs what happened with SteamCMD as a part of the Dedicated Server Launcher log files, so we can actually look at the issues later.

And while I was at it, I added a new tab in the UI so you can monitor the actual launcher logs without having to manually open the log file from disk.

1.3.4 (30 november 2020)

  • The log output of the SteamCMD operation is now added to the Dedicated Server Launcher log files in a section starting by STEAMCMD OUTPUT
  • Added a new tab with the content of the Dedicated Server Launcher log
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.3.4

DedicatedServerLauncher13041207×663 89.2 KB

@Twiixx using this version, please look for the following messages:

  • Setting the background mod check to every 5 minutes
  • Starting to check if the server and mods (2160533143,880454836,1382120864,1695473408) are up to date: Did not find anything to update
over 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Have you been through the manual/explanation on the top post on this thread?
Basically you need to get the three first port leds to turn green when clicking “Test Port Accessibility”.

To get that to work, means doing port forwarding on the router, making sure your firewall and antivirus to not block access, and of course an ISP that allows for port forwarding.

There is no video, but that probably not a bad idea at this point.

about 4 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

@mikelei @drachenfeles indeed the editing possibilities are limited, that being said I did just a quick hack that could make things easier.

Let say you have a modlist that contains that:


but you want Pippi first, so you reorder to get that:


With my hack, if you drag and drop this new modlist.txt on the UI, it will automatically detected that \steamapps\workshop\content\440900 is actually a part of a path for a SteamCMD workshop deployed folder and extract the number behind, so the tool will rebuild the mod list with only these ids:

Conan Exiles - DedicatedServerLauncher 1.3.5
Are you sure you want to set '880454836,2160533143,1382120864' as your new mod list
Yes   No   

Could that help?