almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I’ve never tried to play with a VPN, and I don’t know this one in particular, but from a quick search it seems that both the server machine and anyone trying to connecting to it has to have the VPN application running:

So basically the IP to use to connect, would be the IP indicated in the Hamachi client program, I guess.

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I honestly don’t know.

Basically when using a VPN, you are effectively bypassing all the usual networking constraints and instead you have some kind of “virtual mini internet”, like if your friends and yourself where on the same local network.

Now, if you are trying to play on the same machine, you are doubling the problems: Even without VPN that has always been a difficult case, so trying to solve both at the same time seems complicated.

If I was you, I would try to play on a separate machine, not use multihome, just select the Hamachi “virtual network” for the server using the default parameters, ports, etc… for everything.

Then, using a secondary machine, try to connect to your server through the Hamachi VPN and direct connect, and look at the logs to see if there’s a least an attempt at connecting at all, with eventually some error.

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Normally no.

In theory you could achieve what you want by using a VPN, which basically is a fancy way to pretend that your friends and yourself are on the same local network - virtually over the internet -, but as @deathshand958 asked a few weeks ago, getting that to work can be very difficult, and at best the performance will be sub-optimal.

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Thanks for the update, much appreciated :slight_smile: And yes, stay safe everybody!

Would be interesting to see what kind of performance you get through a VPN, because these things definitely (by necessity) restrict the bandwidth you can normally have.

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Do you get some specific error?
Normally the links are quite reliable (using a CDN with caching).

@lordjehzeus Thanks :slight_smile:
I’ll check the guide, and see how to reformulate the content to make these two sections clearer :slight_smile:

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

If you want help, I suggest writing in English so people can read directly without having to use a translation service :slight_smile:

If Google translate is correct, this is supposed to be

hi everyone. Faced a problem. I started my server. It works without mods. I write the id mode the server does not start what is the problem

The list of possible reasons would be very long, what would help to reduce the list would be some additional information:

  • What was the mod id
  • Does the game crashes on startup, or just refuse to start
  • Do you get some error message in the logs, dialog box, etc…

Not appearing on the list of servers is not an actual diagnostic that something is wrong, the server list does not show (unfortunately) all the servers, so don’t use that as a 100% criteria that you did something wrong.

That being said, if you want to have two physical machines on your network, yes they can have the same external IP, but they need to use different ports, and each of these sets of ports need to be port-forwarded on the router on different internal IP, one for each machine.

At this point, you should be able to use direct connect or steam connect, using different ports to indicate different servers.

If the second server is correctly configured, and continuously running, it may , at some point, start appearing on the actual server list.

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Ok, could you check this old post, there are some screenshots and explanation, just to check if you are actually using the correct IP/port when trying to connect: Copy Connection Information

Could you make a screenshot of the UI (you can scramble the name/pasword/IP part if you want) so I can see all the parameters you are using for restart, settings, etc…?

Could you also try to click on [?] to force check for updates, and copy the result in a post here if it happens that there are actual updates on stream but the launcher did not detect them.

Since November I’ve seen reports of this feature not working for some people, but it seemed to having been working for most people (myself included), which makes it hard to diagnose.

Possibly there also some informations in the Dedicated Server Launcher logs, which are normally in the /Logs/ folder in the same folder you have the launcher.

Is that a vanilla server, or a modded one?

Many of these warnings are “normal” (like the RatingRequestTimedOut), but some seem to be actual errors (like the inventory loading or access index).

Could check the “Validate” checkbox and restart the server, to see if maybe there are some corrupted pak files?

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Performance wise, there was some issues in the earlier versions, but I believe they have been fixed now, but it’s been a while since I ran the profiler, so you never know!

Regarding the feature set, the tool is not designed to actually configure the gameplay part of the game for the following reasons:

  • This launcher is a side project, I don’t have a lot of time allocated to work on it, and when a complete team is working on tweaks, upgrades, dlcs, etc… that would be very difficult to implement all the elements that need to be edited, and then synchronize with the release date of the games, etc…
  • By only handling the update/launch/monitor part, the tool has a decent chance at being usable for other similar projects, the more I dig in Exiles specific stuff, the hardest it gets :slight_smile:
  • That allows the UI to stay “simple” - for a very specific definition of simple: Sure, it looks like a Airbus A380 dashboard, but there are no hidden menus or sub-menus, it’s all on the screen.
  • You can access the ini files directly from the bottom left icons
  • Most settings can be setup from inside the game, using the admin panel, or mods like “Pippi”

That being said, since the Dedicated Server Launcher is not doing any black magic, only modifying the standard ini files used by the game, you can use any other tool to change the settings, and even in the case the tool happen to touch the same settings as what my tool manages, the changes will be detected and correctly loaded.

Good luck!

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I said it was a side project, I’m still a Funcom employee, but not from the Exiles Team.

I started working on this tool because at Launch time it became quickly apparent that just having official forums would not be good enough since they don’t support mods and custom rules, so it’s kind of official, in the way that there is some minimal support coming with it (me answering this topic when there are questions), but it’s not a proper project with deliveries, QA testing, etc… you (the users) are the QA :slight_smile:

Guess we can’t be more “agile” than that, people made requests, I implemented, I released, got feedback, rince and repeat.

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

In an ideal world, the machines would have infinite power, and the limitations caused by the speed of light would not exist, in this world keeping the tickrate ultra high would only give positive effects.

In the real world:

  • Your server is not running at 10Ghz
  • The internet path between your server and the client is not running at 1GB/s with 1ms lattency

What that mean is that you are forcing the “game simulation” to run very fast, which mean the server uses much more cpu to process the simulation, and that also mean much more network traffic.

On a fast local network with a very good server and just a few clients, that’s probably fine, but on normal server exposed to the internet, with a bunch of clients dispersed all over, I doubt you could run very many clients at the same time with a high tickrate (you can check that my looking at the server fps, if it stays stable all is fine, if you put the tick rate to high, it will probably drop).

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Generally speaking, copy-pasting actual complete messages helps doing searches in the code-base.

Just one question: If you go back to 30 ticks, do the messages disappear?

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Hmm, I thought it was the order in the modlist.txt?

I’ve not checked (it’s my easter break), but I believe I was generating the modlist.txt in the order things were put in my edit field. Should be easy to check, the list of loaded mods appears at the top of the game server log.

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Well, the official servers may be free for the players, but they are not free for Funcom, so the more server we can run on the same physical machines, the smaller it costs us in terms of hosting.

A significant amount of work has been spent on optimizing the servers and networking code in general, but the problem is that the number of game features, buildables, map size, etc… has also increased a lot since the game launch.

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

I’m not sure what you mean by that: The hosted servers and private servers are 100% using the same code, and server optimizations are done all the time, but there’s a limited number of people, and there are the normal bug fixes, exploits tracking and fixing, support for the team that need features added or extended, etc…

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Well, from a game point of view, there is not particular game mode called PVP or PVE-Conflict, it’s just combination of in-game settings on the server that defines if people can hit each other, destroy other people’s building, never/always/or sometimes.

All these elements can be edited in-game from the admin panel, or directly in the server’s ini files.

I’m actually wondering if the official servers configuration parameter files are publicly available somewhere… hmmm

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Possibly, just not sure how the stock ini files are configured these days :slight_smile:

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Thanks for the update, how is the performance through the VPN?

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Oh, so if I understand correctly, you don’t want your server to be running all day long, but say, only from “8 am to 8pm”, then it shuts down, and then starts again at 8am the next day?

There’s no support for that at the moment, and I’m not sure how easy it would be to hack around that.

Are there many people who are running their servers only for a few hours a day?

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Do you mean that the small additional windows closes, but the main server window does not actually close, the server is stuck and needs to be manually killed?

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

It’s what is supposed to happen.

Just to make sure I understand: For you, when this crash happens, the server stays alive with the main window and does not close by itself, so the server launcher can’t restart the server, so you need to do it manually.


If that’s the case, then I need to find a way to check if the server is in zombie state (like "the process is still running but it does not do anything) so I can force kill it.

Glad it makes you happy, that was the idea :slight_smile:

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

@PitMonk @Carlos_SLeite
I guess I could add an actual timer, if the server is still alive after three minutes, just kill the process.

Bonus question to everybody: I just realized that 1.0.45 was still marked as beta, has anyone encountered any issues with it, or is it good enough as the new official version?

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

No change, if it did work two years ago, it should still work fine today.
The tool has new features, but it’s relatively backward compatible.

Thanks, the more people test the version, the safer it is for me to push it to official status.
In the worse case, you can revert back to the previous version, all the download links are still valid :slight_smile:

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

While checking for something, I realized two things:

  • It’s been a while since I looked at the tab order of controls in the UI
  • The Script Runner selection box is not working as expected

Tab order is what makes the edit cursor move forward and backward when you use Tab or Shift+Tab, it makes it easier to navigate the UI with just the keyboard, and when tab order is broken, the cursor flies all around the UI without any apparent logic:

TabOrder1258×1400 124 KB

Both issues will be fixed in the next minor version :slight_smile:

almost 5 years ago - Toolguy - Direct link

Here is a new version of the launcher, hopefully I fixed more things than I broke!

1.0.46 (21 April 2020)

  • Added a combobox to select between “server” and “broadcast” when sending RCon messages (Maldred)
  • Fixed a bug where the Run Script option used the wrong variable (Server Priority) to select the behavior.
  • Reordered the UI element for a more logical and nice to use tab order
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.0.46

I had to compress a bit around the UI to insert the new combo box, so here is what it looks like:

DedicatedServerLauncher1046-Changes1207×663 109 KB

Regarding the bug fix: The “Backup and Automation” combo to select when to run the batch file was not actually working properly, I’m not sure what happened, but the variable used to define when to run the script was actually modified when the “Performance Priority” combo box value was changed.

Regarding the messaging new combo: You can select between “Broadcast”, which is the default block dialog box shown in game, or “server” which sends the message in the chat window instead - but this requires to have the Pippi mod installed (no idea what happens if you select “server” without Pippi).