Greetings, Testlive Exiles!
We’re releasing a hotfix for the latest update, addressing a few exploits, some balancing concerns regarding the new crafting benches and the surges, as well as providing fixes for many issues reported by the community.
Update 2.1 - Steam Community Announcement Banner - Cover Image 800x450800×450 395 KBThank you for all the feedback provided and for taking the time to test the Economy Update in the TestLive environment!
Please remember that updates can mess with your installed mods. We suggest taking a backup of your current database before updating to any new patch if you have mods installed.
- Adjusted certain areas of the Siptah map for the anti-undermesh measures. This is a feature currently in testing only on Testlive official servers.
- Refined Pym Particle effects reversal to also affect the unconscious, oversized Exiles #attackonexilesseason2
- Nuked the nuclear arrows
- Added effects to the new crafting benches
- Added unique icons for each of the new thrall specializations
- Fixed benches introduced in the Economy Update 2.1 having the same hit points value
- Fixed Blacksmith’s, Alchemist’s, Delving, and Tinker’s Benches lacking light switches and crafting process visual indicators
- Adjusted the placement meshes for some of the new specialized workstations
- Fixed Thrall placement for the Casting Table and Dyer’s Bench
- Fixed the LODs for the Carpenters Bench
- Fixed a few graphical issues affecting the Blacksmith Bench and the Tannery
- Fixed Tools recipes not being available in the crafting benches after learning them from Feats Tab
- Fixed Grandmaster Armorsmith feat not being possible to unlock on its required level due to required feats
- Fixed the missing recipes for the T3 Carpenter Bench
- Fixed the names of all NPCs on dedicated servers missing and they all being [PERFORMER] types
- Fixed players being able to change their mounts’ size through the Vanity Mirror
- Encouraged Thralls to stop eating Legion Weapons * cracks whip *
- Added T2 and T3 crafters to wild surges and improved the spawn rate of T2-T3 crafters in normal surges
- Change requirement for summoning surges from Decaying Eldarium to Hardened Steel
- Updated Crafter Thrall values for T4 specialized crafters so that they never go below the values of T3 Crafters
- Tweaked spawn tables for Surges to ensure consistency across different Surge types
- High-level weapons and armors can now be crafted in the T2 and above benches, allowing T2 to be the “Best in Class” in terms of size footprint
- Fixed new Hairstyles and Facial Hair options being available without the Siptah DLC
- Fixed the loss of 5 Feat points upon death or leaving the session after unlocking the Novice Rhino Saddle-maker Feat
- Fixed Worker Bee & Queen Bee fish trap drop rates being reversed
- Fixed Leyshrine Brazier changing its texture to placeholder one while being lit.
- The Vanity Mirror bench can no longer be placed and used underwater
- Fixed the Vanity Mirror character changes not being saved on Dedicated Servers
- Fixed equipped armor disappearing from character model when changing race with the Vanity Mirror
- Fixed a possible permanent “Heatstroke” effect caused by equipping temperature resistant armor while affected by changes to corruption
- Improved the visuals on a few of the new male and female faces
- Provided further refinements to the hair shader
- Removed incomplete mod kits that were dropping in the Unnamed City
- Fixed “The Depths” point of interest discovery trigger point being set under the mesh
- Fixed the placeholder icons and missing recipes from Dark Templar Armor and Guardian Armor regular and epic feats
- Fixed the “Interact” option not being functional in the Vanity Mirror’s Radial Menu
Separate TestLive Product on Steam
We heard your input regarding the inconvenience with having to switch back and forth between the main game and our TestLive servers. To make it easier for you and because we really value your testing and feedback, we added a separate product for the TestLive server on Steam.
If you own Conan Exiles on Steam, you should now see a separate Product called “Conan Exiles - Testlive Client” in your library which gives you the option to install an additional instance of the game specifically for the TestLive servers. Please be aware that this will prompt you for a full additional installation.
We are aware that not everyone wants install or has space for two full installations. For those of you who don’t want to play through the additional TestLive Client, you can still access the TestLive servers through our old method.