Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

25 Feb

This is a Call to Arms! Exiles! For the next couple of days we’re running a special TestLive event!

Everyone joining us between 22nd of February 2019 9.00 PM CET and 27th of February 2019 10AM CET, who reaches level 40 and meets the special requirements below on one of our TestLive servers, will be entered into a raffle for a chance to be the lucky recipient of one of 500 Atlantean Swords.
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22 Feb

We know you are very excited and anxious about the next PC patch, but unfortunately we’ve once again had to make the decision to move the release of the patch. We are still struggling with some unresolved issues that needs to be addressed before the patch goes live.

We’re mainly struggling with issues related to the building system. One issue would cause building pieces to disappear, which would result in lost crafting materials and time spent. A second issue would render buildings invisible alltogether.

Admittedly, our patching estimates also needs improvements.

Our current target is early next week and we hope we have more positive news then.

Once again we would like to thank you all for your support and patience, especially our TestLive players who helped us find these issues.

15 Feb

Part of our focus right now is to refine core mechanics, make exploration more exciting and improve experience as well as the leveling curve. We already have our Purge improvement/fixes on TestLive. February will see updates where we will gradually deploy more patches to our Test Servers and Live which deal with the following issues, additions and improvements:
  • More updates for the Purge
  • More performance updates
  • Improvements to AI behavior and controls
  • Progression balancing from starting experience to end game (parts of this is on TestLive already)
  • Improvements and additions to make exploration both more dangerous but also more rewarding (new special Elite type mini-bosses, New World Bosses etc)
  • Fixes to UI and Admin Panel
  • Avatar, Siege and Raiding balancing and improvements
  • More Exploit fixes
  • Building Quality of Life Improvements
  • Exploit Fixes
  • New VoiP System
  • M...
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13 Feb

UPDATE: We decided to not patch today as we know many of you will be playing and we would like to be able to address potential issues as soon as possible without having to interrupt your prime play-time. The patch is now targeted for release on Monday at 3pm CET.

After a round of internal testing of the current Testlive build we encountered some additional critical issues. We do not feel comfortable patching Testlive to the live PC branch with these issues, so we have decided to move the release of the patch so we can address them accordingly.

We’ll be working hard to get the patch ready this week, but if need be we will move the release to early next week, to ensure the fixes work as intended. Read more

05 Feb

Hey everyone!

We're rolling out another patch for the PC to address some of the issues we've been having recently with unresponsiveness and de-synchronization on our official servers. We will continue to monitor this issue and patch as needed, so please continue to provide us with feedback.

  • Changed how client and server executes player and NPC actions. This should fix issues with unresponsive servers

Trello Report Board
We have a public bug tracking board here[]! You can check this to track the issues that get brought up by the community the most. In the "For prioritization" column you can vote for the issues you would like us to prioritize and we will make sure it gets moved into development asap. You can read the f... Read more

30 Jan

It's high time we did something about the VOIP feature in Conan Exiles on PC and we're very happy to announce that the game will see some serious improvement to the in-game voice chat.

One of the most consistent pieces of feedback we've gotten from the Conan Exiles community is about the in-game voice chat. It's been in need of some improvements and updates to make it more reliable when communicating. This has been especially important for RPers, who use voice chat when roleplaying.

We're planning on rolling the new VOIP out to the Testlive branch as soon as possible, and we'd love for you guys to put it through its paces once we do. That goes double for the RPers out there! Thanks to your votes on the community Trello board[] we were able to make a strong case for the featur... Read more

23 Jan

Hey y'all! A new hotfix has been released for the PC version of Conan Exiles. This one contains several crash fixes, a fix for the unnecessary lag when you die, and a quick fix so you won't get stuck in controller-style movement mode.

Please remember that updates can mess with your installed mods. We suggest taking a backup of your current database before updating to any new patch if you have mods installed.

Patch Notes
Performance and Stability
  • Fixed an issue causing unnecessary lag on death - this should now be much smoother
  • Fixed several crashes

QoL Improvements
  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to become stuck in controller-style movement mode.

Addendum (25.01.2019) We've released a quick additional fix to this patch, but since it's just one change we're not making a new thread. The fix is as follows:

General Bug Fixes... Read more

18 Jan

Hello Exiles!

We hope 2019 and January have been treating you well so far.
Picking up on old traditions we wanted to let you know our rough plans going forward, to keep you in the loop as much as we can.

We have a an additional hotfix planned for early next week that will address a few crash issues as well as control input issues that led to problems with movement, camera and shield behavior. We're also further addressing issues with players flooding a server and impacting other player's performance and play experience.

This patch will go live for PC first and will be available for consoles a few days after, as soon as it is cleared by Microsoft and Sony CERT.

After this, we will finalize another TestLive update to address some of the issues reported and further work on our performance improvements. If you haven't already, please check out ... Read more

14 Jan

Edit: Quick fix just went out. Hey all, we just put out a quick fix. We fixed an issue introduced with latest patch that affected unarmed fist attacks, kicks, and some actions with shields. No server restart needed!

Hey folks, we’ve got a hot new hotfix coming at you for the PC version of Conan Exiles! With this update we’re adding in anti-flooding tools to the game’s engine as a counter measure against certain exploits that have been brought to our attention by the community.

Later on we will add a feature that will kick players that send too many commands to the server at the same time.

Please remember that updates can mess with your installed mods. We suggest taking a backup of your current database before updating to any new patch if you have mods installed.

Patch Highlights
  • Added anti-flooding tools to the engine. This will prevent exploits (server flooding) from making the game not work correctly.

Pa... Read more

22 Dec

Hear ye, hear ye! We have another Testlive build ready to go, hot off the presses!

This is a pretty huge patch that comes with a multitude of fixes, but the most important things in this patch are the Purge fixes and the building optimizations. The Purge should now attack more reliably, and Purge NPCs should no longer be naked when attacking you. Buildings should also load in significantly faster than before, which should cause better performance for the server.

Additionally, we've done a major balancing overhaul to the game, increasing the amount of XP you get from crafting and from killing enemies as well as tweaking rewards. This balancing is an ongoing project but we are very interested to hear your feedback on the changes present on Testlive so far.

Finally, we have gone over the map with a fine tooth comb in an attempt to find, and block, areas where players have been able to access areas beneath the ground mesh.

If you want to test this build... Read more
We're moving it to 3pm CET, so it will be available for download on the Testlive client in about an hour's time. Patch notes will come up on our forums at release.

21 Dec

Dear exiles,

We've been hard at work on a new Testlive build that we are planning on rolling out before the holidays. This update is a massive one, containing a multitude of critical fixes and changes that we can't wait for you to check out.

First up are the building optimizations, which will significantly improve how the game loads in building pieces and improve performance. Next is a revamp to the Purge that should make it more reliable and dangerous. Additionally, we've done a major balancing overhaul to the game, increasing the amount of XP you get from crafting and killing enemies, while also making NPCs and monsters more dangerous.

Finally, we have added in several changes to find, and block, ways players were able to get beneath the ground mesh.

The current plan is to deploy this build to Testlive tomorrow, at 2pm CET, but please remember that this is subject to change.