@highwaymanjack Historic! That's great!
@cookiej95573089 Hey there! It very likely has to do with the known issue we're currently working on. We're going to get a fix out for it as soon as possible. Sorry for the trouble meanwhile!
@Cimerio20 Have mercy....
@_luisf02 A versatile weapon! Brilliant!
@TheCrowDoggy @NewWorldShogun Now THIS is battle ready.
@Bloodstormo Hey alright! It's been a while then, huh? :) Hope you like the changes and additions we've made!
@JoeFlo11 (°ロ°)☝
@Viking_Waifu A mighty dragon!!
@etsuxbl Born for this!!
@TARDIS_Junkie We'll allow it. ;D
@Ahalfeatncorpse Good for fighting enemies and rain!
@Gzprime2 "Lucille is thirsty. She is a vampire bat!"
@Glorthoron That's absolutely perfect.
@nypctechman Optional, but you do you.
@ProfitzTV And will certainly come in handy for the celebratory feast afterwards!
@GamerMike9901 Yog sheds a single tear of joy.