@Noldormir Hey sun dusk,
We don't have plans for visible, holstered weapons at the moment
@Daeron18701 That's after you disabled the mods? Is it a specific sword and a specific thrall or is it happening with all of them?
@Swifturr Hey godlytoxic,
At the moment we're not planning on implementing keyboard and mouse support for PS4.
@Glorthoron @EzeakioDarmey We will add this to our bug list. Thank you for the report.
@ArttuRautiainen Hey Arttu,
At the moment we're not planning to add more levels above the cap.
@Langoroo @MrDalvon Our servers should be back up again now :)
@justkeepshootin We are working on a DLC map, but that's all we can say right now
@FlacydLive Then it's definitely worth getting back into. We've added a lot of new content and fixes
@Daeron18701 Yes, but keep in mind that disabling the mods means you won't be able to connect to a server that's running those mods.
@FoxTheHyena Thank you Fox! :) We're working to make Conan Exiles the best it can be
@Guluuluulu Thanks Gulu!
@Daeron18701 Hey Daeron,
Are you playing with mods on PC? There might be some compatibility issues causing you to crash. You'll have to wait until the mod creator updates the mod
@CallMeDarky11 Hey Philip,
This is on our list of things to fix
@justkeepshootin We released two map expansions during Early Access, but there hasn't been any additions to the map since then apart from new dungeons
The PC version of today's patch has been released! Exploit fixes, UI fixes, QoL updates for NPCs and followers, and loads more!
The patch notes can be found below:
@Zargon7 Amazing throws!
@JoshStaysEpic If you're in the US then you won't be able to access the nudity DLC. Including full nudity in the console versions in the US would give the game a rating that would have prevented a wide release
@kylan_coucom2k7 No butt sliders planned
The console versions of Conan Exiles have been patched! Today's patch includes exploit fixes, UI fixes, and the first layer of QoL fixes for NPCs and followers.
PC rolls out at 2pm CET. Patch notes below:
@JoshStaysEpic @orsum6 We can, but we should mention that if you're located in ESRB territories the key won't work.