@Absolu1eZero You can pick up the Year 2 DLC bundle at a 36% discount right now, in fact:
Riders of Hyboria is still too new to go on discount at the moment
Conan Exiles is on sale once more! You can pick up Conan Exiles for half off or more on Steam or on the PlayStation Store.
Click the links to see how much you can save:
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@Grim_Sovereign Congrats on launching your mod!
@MixelPlx Thank you MixelPlx! :)
@KagleKhris We wanted to add sorcery during the Early Access period, but in the end we realized that we had to shift our priorities and focus the resources we had into improving combat. We aware that it's still a highly requested feature.
@Monstrao2222222 You know it!
@Knightly_Nate That looks great! Fantastic build.
@xn_nitro It has been a main focus, but sometimes priorities shift. We are still investigating this issue when resources are available.
@ViceeNL: Our @ConanExiles Xbox server is shaping up to be a true gem! We present to you: Dragonbane Keep, our fortified home in the icy…
@xn_nitro It could be a number of things causing the issue, from firewalls and poor connections to bugs. Which is why it's a difficult issue to fix in one or two patches.
@rafhaeljaques Hey Rafhael,
Does your in-game Event Log say anything about what happened to the horse? If it was killed by another player or an NPC it will say so there.
Otherwise it's a bug and something we need to fix.
@Alshenso @shenanigansen Fur armor is basically a fursuit. Just need some extras
@xn_nitro Hey XnNitro,
We are looking into this, but it's proven to be a difficult bug to track down.
@Liam_J_McIntyre: Just found out we're going to be giving out SO MANY GAMES on stream this Saturday. From @MortalKombat to @ConanExiles…
We unfortunately don't have bobcats or fursuits in the game, but we had fun recreating one of @shenanigansen's comics.
– Wow. I could just stay in here forever, reading.
The last human who said that... is still here.
@HellNijna We didn't want players to rely on a minimap to figure out where you are and where you're going.
@Firespark81 We're not quite ready to talk about it yet, but we can confirm we are working on it and that we'll have more to reveal in the future.
@tonypeak78 Ah, cool! Are you on a PvE or PvP server?