The Conan franchise is Franchise of the Week over on @GreenManGaming! Use the offer code SOCIAL10 for an additional 10% off Conan Exiles or Conan Unconquered!
The Xbox One version of Conan Exiles has now been patched with yesterday's hotfix! This patch contains fixes for poisoned daggers, acid arrows, and some quality of life stuff that needed to be taken care of after the last patch.
@Peffie7 Does it equip arrows correctly if you put them in the radial wheel as well? If so, we're aware of this issue and our team is looking into it.
@Peffie7 Broken how?
@KittyCat_Cammy We can neither confirm nor deny that some very cool stuff for companions is coming soon. Very soon.
Hey everybody, Our forums are currently under unplanned maintenance as Discourse is experiencing some issues. Please stay tuned until this situation is resolved and thanks for your patience.
Dear exiles,
We had some minor issues with our PlayStation 4 servers in Oceania and US West this morning, but they should now be up and running again.
We thank you for your patience and hope you have a nice day!
This is also affecting our forums. Please stay tuned until this issue is resolved.
@recon1stbat Some nodes are experiencing some troubles. G-Portal is looking into it.
@NatalieRoseB20 @KittyG_baby @recon1stbat Hey Natalie, we're aware of single player crashes after the latest content update on consoles and our team is looking into it. Apologies for the frustration.
@squash_em Discourse is under maintenance now.
The ultimate barbarian sport: Beer Pong. Source:
We are aware that there are some PS4 servers currently offline. We're investigating and working on a fix to get them up as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!
@MajesticTtr Most servers are up at this time but there are some that appear offline that we're investigating and looking into. We'll have them back up as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience!
@Johnathanshrum1 We're investigating these servers and are working to have them online as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!
@BranzellEvelina We apologize for the inconvenience! We're looking into this and will have it back up as soon as possible.
A hotfix has been rolled out on the PS4! This patch has the same fixes as the one rolled out on PC earlier today. See link below for the full set of patch notes. The Xbox One version of this patch is still in certification and will not be released today.
Dear exiles! We have a new patch available for the PC version of Conan Exiles. This hotfix addresses issues that popped up after the release of the Warmaker patch. The same patch will release in about an hour for PS4. The Xbox One patch is still in cert.
@XVI_XenZo6 It could be. Land claim extends out in a bubble, meaning it can sometimes overlap with NPC spawn areas if you build above them.
@KittyG_baby It looks green and up and running on our end. Are you still unable to access the server?