Today is International #JokeDay! Last week, we asked what jokes and #pranks you pulled on other Exiles. We've compiled some great ones in the forums here. Seems like stealing pants is one of the more popular pranks you need to look out for.
@Victor14027063 Heya! Sorry for the trouble. This server appears to be up an running at this time. If it still doesn't appear for you, please let us know. Thanks!
@AionEphyra: Though im a sad potato today, it doesnt mean i cant be positive. So here the progress i made sofar. I got the baseshape of…
@AionEphyra Wow, this is so cool! We love the progress pictures. You're doing great!
Hey everybody! Summer is here! We've temporarily increased the decay timer on all official servers to 14 days until August so you can go out and enjoy your vacations!
"I have forgotten how Spider's catch their prey..." Judging from that terrified scream, we're guessing you won't easily forget again! Source:
@goldruby1804: @ConanExiles I finally found my Lion King today.
@Cee_nation1996 @funcom Unfortunately, due to rating restrictions, we were unable to offer full nudity in the game in certain territories on consoles. The PC version has full nudity though
@lowlama We're not going to blame you
@AthosLionheart Thank you for the feedback. We're monitoring player feedback and will make changes if necessary :)
@NickyJones180 They were a little too OP
@TNudels @JonnyEthco The Update is free :) The game is on sale on Steam for 50% off:
@xlDarthxRevanlx: New Samurais joined to fight the Purge off. #ConanExiles #XboxShare
@Azrael1889 This was detailed in the patch notes:
"The buff from the Lifeblood spear has been reduced in periodicity - it will now tick every 5 seconds instead of every second. It also will no longer show up in the buff-list, nor will it end on taking damage."
@batistaa_III Did you build with a lot of Fence Foundations? We rolled out a change for Fence Foundations which changed how they could connect to other building pieces. () This might have had an affect on your structure.
@KyleHearn5 Hey Kyle,
Sorry to hear you're having issues. Which platform are you on? PC? PS4? Xbox One? Are you playing online or single-player?
@Amthyre_ Do you mean changes that we need to implement in the single-player component of the game, or suggestions on which Server Settings to tweak for an improve single-player experience?
Conan Exiles is on sale on the American PlayStation Store. If you're a PlayStation Plus subscriber you can get any Edition of Conan Exiles for 50% off the full price.
With the recent release of the Warmaker dungeon, it's the perfect time to jump in.
"Seek for a shadow that drifts before a cloud that hides the moon; grope in the dark for a cobra; follow a mist that steals out of the swamp at midnight."
📷 by Gawan on our fan Discord server
@Blitzed32 Yes, that's where the entrance to the dungeon is