@hash_alhendi Our tech team issued a fix this morning for PS4 Argentinian and Saudi Arabia regions. Server browser should list servers correctly now.
@Deadman_AL The hunger system was disabled back in March. Now, any food they have access to will be transformed into a 1 hour damage buff.
@Solearo @funcom Hey there, it's intended. They transform it into a 1 hour damage buff.
@Aaron05345780 There's a known issue with the server browser if filtering by PVE-Conflict game mode. Please set that filter to "All" for the time being. Our team has worked on a fix we'll release as soon as possible.
@chrisb360 Hey there, we're aware of this issue and we're working on a fix for it. We'll release it as soon as possible.
@apem71 Hey there, we're aware of this issue and we've fixed it internally. It'll be released as a part of a hotfix really soon.
HeWhoKnowsNothing from our fan Discord server is celebrating the Sunken City dungeon dressed as #JasonMomoa's Aquaman. Only mod used is "Warrior Mutator" for the trident but you can get a different trident in the base game if you too would like to complete the look. 🐟
@uhfjgft Hey there, Our tech team rolled out today a set of changes on PS4 that fixed the no server list issue for players in Saudi Arabia and Argentina.
@RyanLamblin Our team is aware of that issue and looking into it :)
Two Conan Exiles streams in one week! It's like it's a special occasion or something.
I'm afraid my walk has become rather sillier recently, and so it takes me rather longer to get to work. Now then, what was it again?
"I have a silly walk and I'd like to obtain a Government grant to help me develop it."
Happy #InternationalMontyPythonStatusDay
Why is Jens Erik getting hit in the face with a pillow? Check out the VOD from this week's stream to find out!
@That8BitPirate @funcom You're awesome! Great stream. :)
@ItzFayTaL This is something we're aware of and working on. For now, please try this on the platform you're on:
@LordDredTTV We are certainly aware of this and understand players can get stuck there. We're working hard on getting a fix for this out as soon as possible!
@Dalabrae We had to update the game to activate the new DLC we rolled out today, but all server admins should have access to the latest build.
@FoxTheHyena Thank you!!
@hustleman2k Here's a clip from our last Conan Exiles stream that showed off Havoc and Malice. If this is sort of what you're looking for:
@ChefMario919 We are aware of this and it will be hotfixed in a future patch :)
@JabbaWithAPen The Atlantean Sword was given to those who pre-ordered the game. Had you pre-ordered it and having trouble locating it?