@DarthCandinus There's no update yet. When we have more information we will share it with the community :)
@sultanxj Hey there. We're aware of this issue and it's being looked into.
@WulfGar830 Hey Jesse! Which platform is this on? PC? Xbox? PS4? Any additional information you can provide us with will be very helpful.
@Mellow_bunn Does this apply to all armors or specific ones?
@ammj1992 We will update you when we know more :)
@NikoMakinen9110 There is more stuff coming down the line :)
@mister__julien They're set on a timer and once the timer reaches 0 the thralls/pets will die. To "refresh" them you just have to walk up to them and stand near them for a short while.
@AB_Cody Do these items disappear when they're just there in your inventory or when you try to put them into the radial menu?
@Zivan89bandera We're sorry, but we're not entirely sure what you're referring to. Did we change a cave you'd built inside?
@Dave07907916 We are aware that console text chat is a highly requested feature, but at the moment we don't have plans to implement it
@Raph688 We removed the hunger system from Pets and Thralls, but you can still feed them to give them a buff in combat.
@Glorthoron Would this be the one: "Fixed an issue where players would be invisible to others while sitting in a chair under certain circumstances."
@Hyper_Shark007 Thank you for the suggestions. :) We're working on further improving the game and adding in more bug fixes, mechanics and features.
@mister__julien Hey there. We removed the thrall and pet hunger system and replaced it with a simple decay system instead. You can still give them food to provide them with combat buffs.
@AnDullahan Thank you for the report. This is not intended and will be fixed :)
@MrEuropeanTv Thank you, that really means a lot to us :)
@AB_Cody Hey Cody! Sorry to hear you're having issues. Which platform is this happening on? PS4? Xbox One? PC? Single-player or multiplayer?
@Ladder_of_Glass @EfraimG7 The Asian servers were updated to the latest version this morning and everyone should have access to them again :)
@HoelkeMarshal Due to a bug in the console server lists, PVE-C servers won't appear if you sort by PVE-C in Combat Mode. Selecting "All" in Combat Mode and "Official" under Filter should make them appear as normal. We're looking into hotfixing this as quickly as we can.
@NikoMakinen9110 Thanks a bunch! :) Any constructive feedback, even negative, is welcome.