@ammj1992 PS4 servers should all be up and running if you've patched your game to the latest version. Does anything show up if you click "Show Invalid Servers"?
@Hotaru99 @XboxSupport @Tascharoe We'll also double check this with Microsoft
@danieleedelman We're aware of an issue with our server list on PS4. PVE-C servers won't appear if you sort by PVE-C in Combat Mode. Selecting "All" and "Official" should make them appear as normal. We're looking into hotfixing this as quickly as we can.
@maraarnold We're aware of an issue with our server list on PS4. PVE-C servers won't appear if you sort by PVE-C in Combat Mode. Selecting "All" and "Official" should make them appear as normal. We're looking into hotfixing this as quickly as we can.
@Ladder_of_Glass On Xbox or PS4? We're aware of a Season Pass issue on Xbox One that's being looked into.
@SodaaRaccoon We've removed pet and thrall hunger, so this is intended :)
[PS4] We're aware of a minor issue with our PS4 Server list where PVE-C servers won't appear if you sort by PVE-C in Combat Mode. Selecting "All" and "Official" should make them appear as normal. We're looking into hotfixing this as quickly as we can.
@Tsukiiisan Most likely a bug that needs to be hotfixed :)
@Marielyia @KsNiii If you sort by "All" in Combat Mode" and "Official" under "Filter", they should appear as normal :)
@eastcoastmafia6 If you choose "Official" under "Filter" and "All" under "Combat Mode", and then sort by Mode, they should show up. :)
@mortenaleks We haven't done any changes to that area, so it should still be possible to climb back up. Maybe your server was restarting/going down or lag was preventing you from climbing and harvesting?
@spikemonchi @maraarnold If you're renting a private server then your server provider should have updated it for you when the patch went out. Otherwise the process should be the same as it always has.
@ImEquiped @KsNiii Everything looks like it's up and running on our end, but we'll check in with our server partner :)
@DavidVWolf You need to catch a boat from Dagon's Embrace ;)
@maraarnold They were most likely not patched to the correct version. Everything should be up and running as normal now :)
@Dragonbohrn Thanks bruddah! :)
@KsNiii PS4 servers are up and running as normal, but there are three (3771, 3772, 3773) are unresponsive so we'll take a look at them.
@Potato_Nige We definitely have a tendency to roll games out in May!
Xbox has now been patched with the anniversary update and all console players can now access the new content. We hope you like what we have added in this update.
@Ragnar48943541 Patching the servers should just take a couple of minutes.